View Full Version : Where is my life heading?

01-16-2013, 12:25 AM
Hey guys! I'm new here.. I just want some advice on choosing a career. I'm kind of in limbo right now which is an anxiety trigger for me. So here's the last few months: moved in with my boyfriend who ended up severely abusing my dog and I. Got a police escort and got out after finding a room to rent within 24 hours. I lost $450 for last month by leaving as well as $100 he owed me. The landlord of the new place ended up scamming me for $700 and kicking me out because of a loophole in the law. I learned later I was the 4th person she had scammed just in rent since February. Not to mention the $5,000 she'd scammed from her "business," babysitters, people online and the government since Feb. Anyway so I had a full-time job at that place, but the hours are less now because of the holidays being over. I was also in school. I found a new place that is great. My problem is now kinda figuring out what I want to do with my life. I'm on disability (like welfare) which I hate.. I'm grateful I have it but I feel guilty and embarrassed about it. I am terrified I'll get lazy and never do anything. I don't have any idea what I want to do for a career and I can't even think about it because I get nervous and shut down. I have extreme school anxiety and have been to 50% of school since grade 2. Surprisingly I've taken all "smart" courses throughout high school and have an A average total for those years. So I'm not dumb but a lot of teachers treat me like I'm lazy and stupid because I get so anxious I have a hard time going. I've gotten some very negative remarks and bad jokes from teachers. So idk what the point of this is, it's 3AM I haven't slept in awhile (insomniac) and I want to see if anyone has any advice. I just turned 18 by the way :)