View Full Version : Question about breathing.

01-15-2013, 10:58 AM
Ok I feel like I have a small lung capacity or something. All these techniques I see say breathe in through nose for 4 seconds hold for a few then release through mouth for 6. I never have gasped for breath or anything, but when I try these exercises I just can't do it unless I use my mouth to inhale. If I breath in through my nose I can get a deep breath, but if I try to sustain a long calm breath in through my nose I can only get to like 2 seconds if you're actually going by real seconds and not just counting in your head. Should I be able to breathe in through my nose for longer than that?

Also, it might be helpful to add I'm doing this while completely calm. I was just trying to incorporate some exercises into my day to help.

01-16-2013, 02:46 PM
I've had the same problem I am asthmatic however but i find it difficult to do the exercises my doctor said when I asked her about this and she said just do its long as you can everyone's different your deep breath is different from others :)