View Full Version : Night time anxiety

01-14-2013, 11:34 PM
Almost all of my anxiety is at night, or at least the worst at night. My boss offered me the 11:00 pm to 7:00 am shift today at work. I'm thinking of taking it so that I'm not at home all night long anxious out of my mind from just laying in the dark. What do you all think? Does anybody else work 3rd shift and have less anxiety problems because of it?

01-15-2013, 08:30 AM
Almost all of my anxiety is at night, or at least the worst at night. My boss offered me the 11:00 pm to 7:00 am shift today at work. I'm thinking of taking it so that I'm not at home all night long anxious out of my mind from just laying in the dark. What do you all think? Does anybody else work 3rd shift and have less anxiety problems because of it?

My dad loves 3rd shift. Some people seem to be wired for night, or atleast let themselves believe it and end up being restless at night. Even when he is unemployed he stays up all night and sleeps til the afternoon from working 3rd shifts so much. It could help in your case. At night when the house is quiet you are working, then when you are home if you don't live alone then you have the security of knowing someone will be around. I worked 1st shift, but I have considered 3rd shift on a few occassons myself.