View Full Version : Overwhelming anxiety issue

01-14-2013, 05:25 PM
Hello everyone, i am new to this forum and i would like to share my life problems and what i have been dealing with for such a long time. I would welcome everyones opinion and thoughts both good and bad, at this point in my life i am open to anything to turn my life back around. All my life i have delt with one thing after another, I've had anxiety issues since I started college, i am now 30. About 4 months ago i was completely overwelmed in work and my g/f had a misscarrage. My anxiety symptoms started to kick in and i started losing sleep. Since then everything has settled down but i still cant sleep. I am stuck in this vicous cycle of trying to figure out what is wrong. I only sleep about 4-5 days out of the week and i am now starting to get depressed. I have an appt. with a psychiatrist at the end of this month with the hope i can get some meds to get this problem corrected. No matter what i tell myself that everything is ok i still feel on edge, like something bad is going to happen no matter what. I have tensions headaches and either have a hard time falling asleep or i wake easily in the middle of the night for no apparent reason. I also feel lots of tension in my ribcage area. I am also starting to get depressed cus i feel like crap. At this point, i dont know what to think.

01-14-2013, 05:35 PM
Sorry to hear all of that man. That is some tough stuff.
That is what I have kinda learned anxiety is, a vicious cycle.
I really think and hope that psychiatrist can get to the bottom of it and help you out.
Just remember you havent done anything wrong and there are people on here that are going through the same types of things

01-14-2013, 08:27 PM
Your not alone I've Been there many times, anxiety/depression is a S.O.B! Been having it for 12 years now. Kind of an expert on it lol! Feel free to ask me anything that has to do with this crap. I've been through it all so if I could help in any way let me know.

01-15-2013, 05:49 PM
Saldav - Simple question... Where do I start? It seems to be the worst when i go to bed. Right now its about 3 hours before i go to bed and i feel mostly relaxed, the second i lay my head on the pillow, its like the flame gets lit or the motor starts to rev. So frustrating!!!

01-15-2013, 11:43 PM
Try sleeping on the couch, reorganize your room, anxiety has a f@cked up way to manipulate our thought process. Make small changes and get big results. You will be surprised. Trust me!