View Full Version : Convinced I have rabies...even after shots. New here.

01-14-2013, 02:52 PM
Hello all. I am new to these forums but not to anxiety. I have been diagnosed not only with Hypochondria but also GAD, OCD, Severe Depression and BPD.

In short, Friday night I was laying in bed on my computer. All the lights in the house were on. I got up to let the dogs in from outside and sat back down. All of a sudden I felt this mild burning/stinging/itching on my wrist. I looked closely and there were two tiny pinpoint punctures - 3mm to 4mm apart. I put rubbing alcohol on them and attempted not to panic or jump to the conclusion that it was a rabid bat. But of course - in my mind I just kept thinking that some bat incognito had bitten me and is either dead somewhere in the house or flew back outside when I let the dogs in.

So this morning (now Monday) I decide to go to the Emergency Room and somehow convinced the ER to start me on rabies shots - which they did. Surpisingly, none of the nurses had ever had ANY experience with someone with a bat bite. I guess that is kind of good?

Now here I sit - you would think this could have settled my severe anxiety. Nope. Why do you ask? I am afraid that I have waited TOO long to begin the vaccinations. I have found myself "googling" for the last 4 hours. I waited a good 60 hours after this mysterious bite before I had the injections.

To further complicate things, I have NEVER seen a bat in or around my house. In my area there have only been TWO (2) rabid bats in the past 15 years.

I just don't know what to do. Just looking for a little advice before things get too bad. :(

01-14-2013, 03:38 PM
First off wats a rabid bat?

01-14-2013, 03:50 PM
Um. A bat with rabies.

01-14-2013, 04:02 PM
Surely if it was a bat u would hav seen it tho especially on ur wrist