View Full Version : Help- Scary thoughts

01-14-2013, 03:23 AM
I'm terrified and I know it sounds pathetic but I think I could get to the point of killing myself and it's scary. I've done some stupid things lately which has confirmed that I could do it and I know I sound stupid but I'm losing my mind and I need help. I can't tell my councillor because I don't want my parents to know what's going through my head. How do I make this stop?

01-14-2013, 03:36 AM
I can imagine how scary it is to be distrusting of your own self.. I know how hard it is to tell your parents about something like that, because you don't want to hurt or disappoint them. After all, it's not their fault their daughter is so unhappy right?
But do you think you could at least arrange for them to let you see a proper therapist, one who would have to keep your discussions confidential?
Your will to live is stronger than the scary thoughts, though-- remember that.
Are you in high school?

01-14-2013, 03:45 AM
I know they are scary but the fact that these thoughts are upsetting you most likely means you wont act on them. I've been there, that's how my anxiety disorder started.. With scary racing thoughts. I couldn't control them and I didn't want to leave the house, I was terrified I was going mad. Hang in there and once you learn to accept that they are just thoughts you will feel better. I truly promise, speaking from experience :)

01-14-2013, 04:13 AM
I don't really feel like telling anyone because I'm really scared of upsetting my patents. I work full time and I don't want anyone at work to know about my anxiety because I'm scared I will lose my Job of they won't take it seriously. I just feel so low at the moment though and I can't seem to change my mind set. I know I'm being silly but there's this constant voice in my head telling me I can't cope anymore

01-14-2013, 05:08 AM
I no how that feel I can't let my mum no about anxiety and there thought like she going to find out your going to be problem for hid it your never going get over this