View Full Version : Anyone ever experience these symptoms?

01-13-2013, 10:26 PM
I was on zoloft 50mg for a month but couldn't take the side effects and dropped to 25mg and felt pretty good other than some dizziness/light headedness/stomach issues, but felt a lot better for about 2 weeks. Right around the 2 week mark I started to get the body tremors which I was able to deal with just fine. The problem came at night. I would be able to fall asleep for about an hour, and then wake up with my arms and legs feeling like pins and needles. After about 5 days the leg pins and needles kinda went away but the arms persist. The other thing is when I wake up after an hour it feels like a body shock, but it really isn't. I've had body shocks in the past after l started the zoloft. The other thing is that when I close my eyes to try and go back to sleep, it looks like there is a fireworks show going on on the back of my eyelids. I have to get up for like 20 minutes and do something like watch TV. And then I can generally go back to sleep for the rest of the night with out it happening again but sometimes it does.
None of this ever happened when I was just dealing with the anxiety and panic attacks before I started the zoloft. So i'm just wondering if this is continued withdrawal symptoms or my anxiety coming back (I feel good during the day, its just the nights that this happens)
I also went to the Dr for this and when I told him he just kept nodding in agreement when I was going through the withdrawal symptoms I believed I had, so i'm taking his nodding as a sign of agreement. He also switched me to Celexa 5mg for a week then upping to 10mg.
I'm just worried this will never go away, I've never had issues sleeping all my life until this zoloft crap started.
Now I have Klonopin that I can take at night which does help me sleep, but I don't want to rely on that to sleep if I can help it.
Any body else deal with this or know if this is normal?
I see my dr again later this week and will ask more questions, just looking for some advice now.