View Full Version : paranoia/anxiety

05-22-2007, 07:26 AM
For as long as I can remember, I have always had this fear of being judged and have always felt judged. If anyone, even those closest to me, appear distant, sad, rude, or are less friendly with me than usual, I automatically assume they are angry at me, that I have done something wrong, or that they do not like me. I used to put this down to 'paranoia' as that is what people would tell me I am. That is 'don't be silly, Grace, you're just being paranoid.' As i have gotten older and better educated re mental health issues (i work in the field) I have come to realise it is anxiety.

I have other symptoms that indicate an anxiety disorder, (but have never been diagnosed) including a obsessive compulsive tendencies, like checking.
However, the issue/fear that pervades most of my life is my "paranoia" that people do not like me. And no matter what anyone tells me, I cannot stop thinking this way. It may seem silly, but it affects me greatly and works in a terrible cycle.

Does anyone else out there experience this? I feel like the only one. I don't feel like I even fit into any of the anxiety disorders out there.

Any opinions are welcome. Thanks.

05-25-2007, 08:49 PM
Grace you are definitely not the only one. I have felt like and feared being judged for years now, and I didnt realize It wasnt normal until about a year ago, and I didnt associate it with anxiety until recently. I am only 18, and this has a serious affect on my social life. I constantly feel like others are judging me, whether its what Im wearing or just how I look. I have a very hard time maintaining eye contact with anyone for more than a couple seconds. When people act strangely, I feel like theyre mad at me. For instance today at work in the employee cafeteria, the lady that charged me who is normally very friendly, didnt talk to me today and just seemed a little off, so I assumed, without realizing it, that she was upset with me about a conversation I was having with my friend. Because I havent been able to have a normal interaction with a person for quite some time, I always feel like Im doing something wrong and people are thinking I am wierd and annoying and want me to go away. I hardly remember what it feels like to just be normal around people. I remember I was very popular when I was last in public school, and I miss it alot. Youre definitely not alone.

08-18-2009, 01:58 AM
Of course, the rational brain can overrule the emotional dominance of the amygdala and make behavioral decisions based on thoughtful logic, but the impressions and reactions we have to any stimuli come from the amygdala first, regulating our instinctive “gut” reaction to the world around us.
So, in terms of fear, paranoia and the whole host of emotions that fill in the spectrum between mild anxiety and mortal panic, the amygdala is almost certainly involved.Since psychedelics amplify all thought and perception, even the slightest hint of fear will be instantly amplified in the neocortex, causing a self-perpetuating feedback loop of anxiety and paranoia.

08-18-2009, 01:57 PM
hi grace
you are not alone - there are many of us in this forum who feel exactly the same, so welcome to the club!
over the years and with the help of therapy i've come to realise that other people's behaviours rarely have anything to do with anything i've said or done - it's much more likely down to the miriad of annoyances and irritations to do with this thing called life - sometimes, through no fault of my own, i just happen to be on the receiving end of their bad day!!
these days i try not to jump to conclusions and assume it's down to me - i also remind myself that the only opinion about me that's worth anything is my own - and i have as much right to a happy life as anyone else - so i'm not gonna let someone else's opinions, behaviour or attitude ruin my day -seems to work most of the time!!

08-18-2009, 11:09 PM
indeed, I walk down the street and I think everyone's staring at me when im the shops I think people are looking at me too, the only time ironically i feel fine is when it's a really large crowd of people so i can blend in unless someone starts to try to talk to me....

What triggered off the latest bout of anxiety was being judged by basically a complete stranger probing me asking me questions i started to have a huge panic attack all i wanted to do was escape get away, even my wife can trigger off anxiety when she starts asking questions i suffer badly from this too....

08-30-2009, 08:56 PM
For as long as I can remember, I have always had this fear of being judged and have always felt judged. If anyone, even those closest to me, appear distant, sad, rude, or are less friendly with me than usual, I automatically assume they are angry at me, that I have done something wrong, or that they do not like me. I used to put this down to 'paranoia' as that is what people would tell me I am. That is 'don't be silly, Grace, you're just being paranoid.' As i have gotten older and better educated re mental health issues (i work in the field) I have come to realise it is anxiety.

I have other symptoms that indicate an anxiety disorder, (but have never been diagnosed) including a obsessive compulsive tendencies, like checking.
However, the issue/fear that pervades most of my life is my "paranoia" that people do not like me. And no matter what anyone tells me, I cannot stop thinking this way. It may seem silly, but it affects me greatly and works in a terrible cycle.

Does anyone else out there experience this? I feel like the only one. I don't feel like I even fit into any of the anxiety disorders out there.

Any opinions are welcome. Thanks.

I'm the same way. I worry wayy to much about what people think. Even my family. I can't get close to anyone.

I'm paranoid about stupid things: how I look when I'm driving, if I'm playing metal music people are going to think I'm trying to be tough, you name it.

It just takes time to realize things aren't as bad as we imagine them to be.

Easier said than done.[/i]

03-11-2010, 06:01 AM
I know exactly how you feel. I've had coworker's tell me I'm paranoid (because I was silly enough to tell them I have social anxieties). It is very much a part of my life to date. I do have tendencies towards "checking" but I don't think it's excessive. I strongly relate to what you said about "people who are being less friendly to me than usual, I think they are angry with me". But then I think maybe they are upset about something that's happening to them, which I might add, I have found it to be true later on.

03-13-2010, 08:22 AM
Overcoming social anxiety is a process. Don't rush it. And don't push yourself either. Take baby steps and always ask the assistance of the people you trust.

Quoted from:

04-19-2010, 12:04 PM
I was constantly judged and criticized relentlessly by my mother and I think this has led me to feeling the same as you around other people. Even though they might not even be paying me the least attention sometimes.

I know exactly how you feel.

09-04-2010, 06:41 AM
Paranoia is nothing to worry about whether its legitimate or not, anxiety is the feeling that you have to be paranoid.

09-06-2010, 05:43 AM
For as long as I can remember, I have always had this fear of being judged and have always felt judged. If anyone, even those closest to me, appear distant, sad, rude, or are less friendly with me than usual, I automatically assume they are angry at me, that I have done something wrong, or that they do not like me. I used to put this down to 'paranoia' as that is what people would tell me I am. That is 'don't be silly, Grace, you're just being paranoid.' As i have gotten older and better educated re mental health issues (i work in the field) I have come to realise it is anxiety.

I have other symptoms that indicate an anxiety disorder, (but have never been diagnosed) including a obsessive compulsive tendencies, like checking.
However, the issue/fear that pervades most of my life is my "paranoia" that people do not like me. And no matter what anyone tells me, I cannot stop thinking this way. It may seem silly, but it affects me greatly and works in a terrible cycle.

Does anyone else out there experience this? I feel like the only one. I don't feel like I even fit into any of the anxiety disorders out there.

Any opinions are welcome. Thanks.

I'm the same way. I worry wayy to much about what people think. Even my family. I can't get close to anyone.

I'm paranoid about stupid things: how I look when I'm driving, if I'm playing metal music people are going to think I'm trying to be tough, you name it.

It just takes time to realize things aren't as bad as we imagine them to be.

Easier said than done.[/i]

I feel exactly the same and it kills me.

09-08-2010, 02:21 AM
You are not alone Grace! There are many people around here that feel the same way too. There was a point in my life that I don't even want to talk to anyone coz I had blushing problems or social anxiety problems. I am afraid to be judged and I worry too much about how they might think about me. I am now on therapy and it really helps me. Ask these question. Why should we worry about how they judge us? No one can judge us except ourselves. Why can't be happy if others can do? Don't let them control your life!

09-22-2010, 01:05 PM
I have dealt for many years with feelings of insecurity, social anxiety & pararoia. I am almost 30, 5'5 and 136lbs. Going to the mall, or out to eat, or a walk in the park becomes a mental task of hoping anyone passing by doesnt make an audible judgment. I feel like I am the uglyiest guy in the world even though my friends dont think so and get very pissed at me when i get this way because they dont see it. I am currently seeking therapy for this mental flaw of myself image. I alway feel the need to justify how wrong they when they tell my im an attractive and lovable guy. I think they are just trying to be nice when I feel that the general consensus is that im average or below average and therefore and easy target and subject to justifiable social torture by the masses. :(

09-27-2010, 03:49 PM
I also think that many people deal with social anxiety, myself included. I'm to the point where I don't want to leave the house. I'm so scared that people will judge me if I go out. I have less anxiety when I leave the house with my husband. He has a way of making me know that everything will be okay. However, I hardly ever go anywhere by myself. Working from home probably doesn't help this situation either.