View Full Version : Bad circulation?

01-13-2013, 08:18 AM
Alright. I want to get better...and I'm doing my best.

My question/fear: my legs turn really red and veins pop in my feet after 5 min of standing. Fear is bad circulation/developing blood clots, and that I have the autoimmune disorder POTS, since red/blue legs are a symptom. My legs feel very heavy. Its been happening for years.

I'm trying to be rational...it's gravity fighting against your body. The cardiologist has told you 3 times you don't have pots.

Now, my brain just doesn't want to accept the rational. It's fighting against it. I never google medical things anymore. It's a terrible thing for me. I used to do it, and now I wish I could take away those times because I just know too much about pots.

One of the reasons I can't accept the gravity explanation is because it doesn't happen to my husband. His legs stay a peachy color the whole time.

I have not brought the "red legs" symptoms to my cardio doc yet. Quite honestly, I'm a bit afraid too. He's already told me I need to calm down. In a nice way though.

I know there is nothing wrong with my heart. I believe that. But my body shows physical symptoms of SOMETHING, and all symptoms point to pots.

My cardio doc says of I had pots, my bp would drop when standing, and I'd feel faint dizzy and lightheaded. Problem is, I read in the past that a person can have pots with or WITHOUT orthostatic hypotension. That's why my brain hasn't accepted his answer.

Now that I've written all of this, please give me your honest opinions. I want to rid myself of this stress, and be able to live my life without worry that I have physical ailments. Or at least to be able to move on and accept what is.


01-13-2013, 08:44 AM
How often does this happen with your legs?? Seriously, I would start to keep a journal of the time/date that it has happened, and duration of how long the symptoms last for. I would maybe talk to my regular doc about it since you mentioned that you spoke to the cardio doc about it before....that way you get a second opinion, and you have a clear journal of how often this happens.
Also, just curious, do you have any other symptoms other than the red legs and the heavy feeling? Do you notice this immediately upon standing up, after sitting for quite some time, etc...

01-13-2013, 08:58 AM
No, I haven't told my cardio doc about it yet.

It happens every time I stand, but not sitting.

01-13-2013, 08:59 AM
And I also get a jump in heart rate upon standing. Usually goes up between 15-20 beats.

01-13-2013, 11:45 AM
Everyone's heart beat goes up when standing. If it jumps 30 beats just from standing then I would be concerned, but 10-15 is normal. I've asked the doctor. I've read about your heart pounding and I've always had this too, but never believe when other people tell me it happens to them. If it did, then why don't they seem to notice it, is my reaction. I hear it in my head for a few minutes after standing sometimes. Also if I'm doing a heavy workout it will pound in my head. I always bring it up and always get told I'm fine, so I just finally am believing it and saying whatever.