View Full Version : To use or not to use benzo

01-13-2013, 05:28 AM
I've been prescribed zoloft(100 mg), zyprexa(15 mg) along with klonopin(.25 mg twice) ,for panic disorder anxiety and dizziness. After I started on zoloft/zyprexa the panic attacks vanished and dizziness lessened. I have heard horror stories of benzo addiction and withdrawal and am wondering whether or not to take them regularly. I use klonopin as needed( when going out).

01-13-2013, 06:06 AM
I've been prescribed zoloft(100 mg), zyprexa(15 mg) along with klonopin(.25 mg twice) ,for panic disorder anxiety and dizziness. After I started on zoloft/zyprexa the panic attacks vanished and dizziness lessened. I have heard horror stories of benzo addiction and withdrawal and am wondering whether or not to take them regularly. I use klonopin as needed( when going out).

If youve got an addictive personalty AND severe anxiety that you simply cannot control yourself then youre at elevated risk of addiction.
I only took the 1 benzo - diazepam, but ONLY when I felt completely out of control & about to self combust with fear!!
Got me through the bad times but I had a determination for getting better. I KNEW i had panic disorder & nothing physical therefore amongst the turmoil I maintained an end goal to overcome, which I have pretty much.
My point is - ALWAYS keep a logical head on with determination & fight. DO NOT let medication rule your every move. Anxiety is just anxiety, it is not a deadly disease.
Use meds wisely.

01-13-2013, 07:33 AM
If the anxiety isn't adequately controlled via the AD, you can use the benzo on occasion particularly with PA(which I have as well). Except for certain circumstances a regular benzo(daily, long term) should be avoided. Now during a particular "treatment plan" such as starting treatment for high anxiety and initiating an AD(then tapering off the benzo), this is often done. Really only with anxiety that can't be controlled with ssri's/tca's, CBT, psychotherapy, etc, should benzos be used long term. This indeed does happen sometimes but many/most can get calmed down, start talking to a therapists, on an AD and just use a benzo "as needed". For PA I would say that pretty common less so for GAD, etc. Alankay

01-13-2013, 07:42 AM
Wow, besides the complicated medical diagnosis terminology... Medicine= NO.

01-13-2013, 08:37 AM
If the anxiety isn't adequately controlled via the AD, you can use the benzo on occasion particularly with PA(which I have as well). Except for certain circumstances a regular benzo(daily, long term) should be avoided. Now during a particular "treatment plan" such as starting treatment for high anxiety and initiating an AD(then tapering off the benzo), this is often done. Really only with anxiety that can't be controlled with ssri's/tca's, CBT, psychotherapy, etc, should benzos be used long term. This indeed does happen sometimes but many/most can get calmed down, start talking to a therapists, on an AD and just use a benzo "as needed". For PA I would say that pretty common less so for GAD, etc. Alankay

I agree with Alankay. I take an AD ( antidepressant) and when a Panic Attack hits which isn't that often, I will take a benzo if it is an extremely bad attack. I definitely try to take the benzo only as needed.

01-13-2013, 12:48 PM
Take em if you need em. I need to take three .5mg Klonos a day, if I miss my dose after 3 hours I have a panic attacks, it really sucks, hopefully my doctor can get me on a more daily med.

People make benzos out to be some sort of evil demon, they're really not that bad.

01-13-2013, 01:55 PM
Take em if you need em. I need to take three .5mg Klonos a day, if I miss my dose after 3 hours I have a panic attacks, it really sucks, hopefully my doctor can get me on a more daily med.

People make benzos out to be some sort of evil demon, they're really not that bad.

Benzos get a bad reputation cause they are "addictive" but when you have extreme anxiety like a lot of us do they are life savers. I take 2mg of ativan as needed, and have been for many years. It could be months, weeks, days without taking them, but I know I have them when I need them. As a matter of fact I keep some in my wallet for just incase situations.

Keep in mind I'm a big guy, 6'2 305 lbs so it takes a little bit more mgs to calm me down. Not everyone is the same so I experimented with my dosage until I found the right dose for me.

01-15-2013, 12:42 AM
Thanks for your replies.