View Full Version : Anxiety Medication- I posted this in the medication section also

01-12-2013, 09:03 AM

01-12-2013, 09:09 AM
Sorry to hear that you're having such a hard time with it & that your parents are not making the situation easier.

A doctor is a doctor, no matter whether you've seen them before or not. Their job is to help their patients to get better. So I cannot see why they would not prescribe you any medication. I would advise you to book an appointment, let the doctor know exactly how you're feeling & ask what they think would be the best way to proceed. They may also refer you for counselling or something similar to help if it has been going on for a long time. Don't take no for an answer & let them know how much it's affecting your day to day life.

Good luck!

01-12-2013, 11:17 AM
A doctor will not prescribe you medication if your under the age of 18, at lease here in the USA. Idk how the rules apply where your from. Sorry that your parents don't give you support, but if you are under age your parents need to be there in order to get meds.

01-12-2013, 03:23 PM
A doctor will not prescribe you medication if your under the age of 18, at lease here in the USA. Idk how the rules apply where your from. Sorry that your parents don't give you support, but if you are under age your parents need to be there in order to get meds.

That's not true. Depending on the state, minors as young as 12 (here in CA) can receive medical treatments and medication without their parents permission, consent, or knowledge. You should definitely seek treatment at your doctor, and I would suggest the closer doctor, but if not, you can go to a Planned Parenthood. There is no need for you to suffer, especially since you've already been suffering since age 6. You are worth it!