View Full Version : Diazepam (2mg) after alcohol.

01-12-2013, 08:31 AM
I know you're not meant to drink whilst taking diazepam, but is it possible to take it the day after drinking?
I went out last night & my anxiety tends to worsen the day after. Would I be okay to take a diazepam today to help me? Or would it be affected?

01-12-2013, 08:45 AM
Yeah that's fine. 2 mg the next day is OK. If you watch what you drink and how much you'll be less affected. Drink good quality drinks. I only drink quality beers and try to moderate as when I drink cheap stuff I feel much worse. Anyway 2mg of diazepam will be fine as the alcohol is all gone(it has a very short half life). Alankay

01-12-2013, 08:51 AM
Thank you. I was just a bit worried that it might make me feel worse rather than better.
If I'm out for the night then I tend to drink just what bars serve (corona, some shots etc) but if I'm just going out for a few or having some drinks at home, then I'm kind of a beer snob & love nothing more than an imported beer or a good ale.