View Full Version : Anxiety

01-12-2013, 05:33 AM
What are your symptoms of anxiety

01-12-2013, 06:57 AM
Fast heart beat, sweating palms, and heavy pain on my chest.

01-12-2013, 07:36 AM
My symptoms are; shortness of breath leading to hyperventilation, numbness in the extremities (hands, feet), sweating profusely, dizziness, tacychardia (accelerated heart beat), and intense, intense fear.

Horrible, but essentially harmless.

01-12-2013, 06:44 PM
It depends on how bad it gets. My general day-to-day anxiety consists of feelings of apprehension and impending doom, paranoia (kind of the same thing), trembling, quickened heart beat, heart palpitations, and sometimes numbness of the limbs.

01-12-2013, 07:03 PM
Sensations of doom, fear and worry. Suicidal thoughts, Increased heart rate, paranoia, stabbing chest pains

01-12-2013, 08:03 PM
My symptoms are; shortness of breath leading to hyperventilation, numbness in the extremities (hands, feet), sweating profusely, dizziness, tacychardia (accelerated heart beat), and intense, intense fear.

Horrible, but essentially harmless.

I get all of these.