View Full Version : Odd feeling after aerobic excercise?

01-11-2013, 10:39 PM

I started a evening running course for about 30-minutes to at least keep me in shape. It went great for the first 2 weeks, but a few nights ago I came home after my run and as I sat down to relax I felt like I had been hit by a tranquilizer dart or something, I kept thinking I was going to die for some reason also, I sat at my table just staring not know what to do. After about 15 minutes it dissapated and I felt normal again.

I tried running for 3 days after that day and each day I've had the exact same effect. It's real shit and I haven't exercised in 2 weeks because of it. Anyone have any clue as to what the hell it is?

01-12-2013, 02:01 AM
As a runner, I can testify that running does trigger some symptoms of anxiety.

After a good run, I often hyperventilate and of course my heart rate goes up. I find myself experiencing this during and after exercise, but not every time. It can leave me feeling disorientated and very strange, but it always passes after about 15 minutes.

Try not to let it affect your exercise regime - it's probably your brain identifying that there are physical symptoms occurring.

01-12-2013, 02:11 AM
Perhaps its depersonalization/derealization?