View Full Version : The results are in....

01-11-2013, 07:55 PM
Had my stress test. Heart rate started at 102 (anxiety talking). Started on slow incline. Heart rate jumped quickly to 142. Took bp, 130/82. Increased speed and incline. Heart rate at 160, bp 132/90. Increased speed and incline again. Hr 190 bp 160/90. Rhythms all normal. Dr said I have very labile heart rates. He said I am very good at trying to control my heart rate (breathing exercises maybe).

Diagnosis: sinus tachycardia, anxiety

He told me that my "thumping" heart is not cause for any concern. My heart is healthy...and there is no risk to get pregnant again. He is very interested to see what my holter monitor will show. He thinks it again, will show labile heart rates again, but nothing else. No arrythmias, even while exercising. This is good news that I should be able to start working out again.

I feel better now that it's over. I can rest easy tonight. Except for my poor little guy that's super sick. :(


01-11-2013, 08:10 PM
EXCELLENT!!!!! I knew you would be fine....and it wasn't as bad as you thought, right? The thing I liked the best was that you get your results right there....no waiting around for results. Now, I bet you can breathe a sigh of relief, and get back on your exercise regime without any hear worries.
On another note, hope your son feels better.

01-12-2013, 02:18 AM
That's great to hear! I hope your wee one gets well soon.