View Full Version : does anyone elses anxiety turn into excitement?

01-11-2013, 01:41 PM
I had an exam earlier, and I was really nervous however I got all excitable instead. I can't really explain it, but I was going insane! I couldn't stop talking, my heart was racing, I was shaking at one point, I was forgetful and I was behaving stupidly aswell.

The only way I can explain it, is I literally felt drunk haha.

I do suffer from depression (which is why this behaviour confuses me) and I'm also very anxious in general.

Is this normal?!


Also, I have had terrible days this week, worst than most. Yet I feel fairly happy now, which surprises me.. Maybe I'm still not over earlier? I don't know.

01-12-2013, 03:46 PM
Sounds normal to me, I do this sometimes too. I think what's happening is that instead of getting fear all the adrenaline just does what it does for a normal person and gives us energy.

I find this almost more annoying that when I get normal anxiety because I feel like I am really annoying to people when I am this way, but it happens and at random too.

01-12-2013, 04:10 PM
Thanks for the reply, that's reassuring. I thought I was going crazy!
I find it annoying aswell - I am almost certain everyone else finds me annoying too, but I just have so much energy and so little self control!
Also, I don't really care at the time, it's only on reflection I realise I completely embarrased myself, and that is where the anxiety kicks in!

01-13-2013, 08:07 AM
Yep, it's like you said, it resembles being drunk you just blab and blab and blab and don't even realize it, I got like that last night as a matter of fact but I just went in another room and occupied myself until it passed. It's very odd how the anxiety can be so random.

To be truthful the feeling is like when you take cold medicine or drink too many energy drinks, I get sort of shaky and start bouncing off the walls. I hate the feeling of being jittery which is why I don't drink coffee or energy drinks, but that is exactly what this is like.