View Full Version : Zoloft Withdrawl sucks, anyone else have these problems?

01-11-2013, 02:05 AM
I'm new to this thread, and just looking for a little support through this tough time.
About 2months ago out of nowhere, and with never having a history of anxiety or panic attacks, I suddenly got them. Now I was working 70hrs a week for almost 2yrs straight and I think this is why it happened, especially when one of my jobs I hated with a passion and it caused the brunt of my stress.
After about 2 weeks of dealing with it I finally went to a doctor (I went to urgent care the day it happened thinking I was having a heart attack but came out clean there) and the Dr prescribed me 50mg zoloft.
Now i'm not saying it didn't work for abating the anxiety and panic attacks, but the side effects from it were worse than anything I've ever possibly experienced in my life. I tried making my way through the 50mg for a month but couldn't take it anymore and then around Christmas I cut my dose in half. 25mg never felt so good is one way I could describe the feeling after dropping for about a week. I initially had dizziness and lightheadedness for about a week after dropping but those faded just after the start of the yr. Then the really fun withdrawal symptoms kicked in. My body constantly feels like its tingling and I can't sleep but once every third night (like the tiredness catches up to me and i can finally sleep one night) But this insomnia is kicking my ass. I'm also dealing with body tremors and my extremities in my hands and feet tingle/buzz.
Now I figured since I was only on the 50mg for a month my withdrawal side effects would be short lived, but I was wrong. This is really starting to suck not being able to sleep at night, and i've read it can sometimes take up to a month :( During the day I almost feel fine though, like there's no anxiety, its just at night that I have problems.
I was thinking that since i've had nothing but problems on zoloft I should just quit entirely, and I will check with my Dr first to see if he wants me to drop to 12.5mg first before cutting all together but I'm not giving him a choice on letting me quit.
My main thing is, has anyone else tried quitting and had the withdrawl effects last this long or had this many problems?
Is there anything I can safely take while still on zoloft to be able to get to sleep. I have Klonopin but without taking a full pill 1mg it won't touch it and the way i feel if I take a full mg almost isnt worth it either.
Anyone's thoughts on this matter will be more than appreciated.
Thank you.

01-11-2013, 06:06 AM
Hi, i have been suffering with anxiety and panic attacks for the past 3 1/2 years . I had been taking just lustral and propanol... And foolishly without my doctors acknowledgement I decided to stop taking my tablets summer 2012. This was because I had no anxiety for the past 6 months and no panick attack for the past year. I took my prescribed dose once every 2 days, then every 3 days ... After 2 weeks I had a panic attack just like my first ever one. I had them for 2 days non stop .. I maybe had like 30 or so.. Just constant nausea, numbness, feeling faint, being like strangled, suicidal thoughts agoraphobia.. The lot!!!! Since summer 2012 I have had my lustral increased to 100mg and been put on lustral which I can't take up to 3 a day. And am seeing a psychiatrist frequently .. To cut things short I am back at step 1 :( where I was 3 years ago. But lifestyle has a big impact on anxiety... And you should be under constant doctors directions... Because withdrawal hits you baddddd

01-11-2013, 08:07 AM
I wonder if you're not experiencing normal anxiety and just blaming the zoloft withdrawals?.

I took zoloft for a month and stopped cold with zero side effects, it seems to me that you may need to be on an ssri just possibly a different one, the best thing you can do is consult with the doctor who put you on them, explain the side effects that made you want to quit and then explain what you're going through trying to stop.

Withdrawls can last for months depending on how your body responds to the meds, everyone is different. I do however believe that anxiety itself is playing a big part in your symptoms. Check with your doc, see what he says and I bet he will change your meds.

01-11-2013, 08:42 AM
I just started Zoloft and I've noticed it makes me really tired but no other side effects so far. Everyone responds differently to medications. Maybe speak with your doc to find a medication that will better work for you.