View Full Version : Prescribed a Z-pack and feel like I am losing my mind!

01-10-2013, 04:17 PM
I am looking for advice or opinions about this type of antibiotic. Any type of reasurance would be greatly appreciated. I am terrified!

I was prescribed a z-pack for sinus infection earlier this week. 5 days worth, 2 pills the first day and 1 a day for 4 more days. Every time I have taken one within and hour I get out of sorts, fatigued yet hyper feeling, skin crawly, heart racing, nauseous, raging bowel movements and my brain just does not want to function properly. Can't concentrate, can't sleep, vivid dreams, oh my God I just want to pull my hair out! Called the Dr. today and he said to immediately stop taking them but unfortunately they will remain in my system for at least another week.

I have suffered from pretty severe anxiety for 10 years now but it is somewhat controlled. I haven't felt this out of my mind in years. It is really scaring the hell out of me. I do not feel like myself at all. I researched the drug on line and all of this is fairly common. I feel so betrayed by my Dr. How could even think of prescribing something know to cause anxiety like symptoms to a patient of his that is being treated for anxiety! I have trusted him for years.

01-10-2013, 04:26 PM
I haven't had that anti b but I've been on another type. And god I thought that was it for me. I had pins and needles all over my body. Red hot and well o had to go to a and e. guess what it was ? Anxiety !!! I'm going to try spell it... Amyflaxaline ? These can cause severe anxiety. Why a dr would prescribe these to a anxiety suffers is beyond me !!! I hope your ok. I'm here of you need to chat x

01-10-2013, 04:59 PM
Thanks Moonchild! Sorry you went through that but at the same time I am glad to hear it so I know I am not losing my mind. I did take one of my Klonopin and am starting to feel a bit more grounded.
I researched the z=pack and read horrible things about it. Then I notice on the package it says, "5 doses of the z-pack is equal to 30 or more doses of other antibiotics". Is it really good to give people something so strong! My Gosh!!!!
Thank you again for your input. Hugs!