View Full Version : Anxiety or Paxil?

05-19-2007, 12:52 PM
Hello this is my first posting, my name is James. I started using Paxil again about two weeks ago and my life has been miserable and I just wanted to talk about it and see what you think. Despite being long this is a real condensed version of what's been going on. I hope I'm telling this is in the correct order. I apologize for the long post.

Back in 2004 my doctor started me out on 10mg Paxil. I told him I was stressed out and this was what he chose. Immediately I felt better, and didn't seem to have any side effects then he wanted to step me up to 20mg after a couple of months. Afterwards I felt sleepy, drugged up and my sex drive dropped and I felt somewhat depressed. So I started breaking them in half and just took 10mg . Afterwards I felt much better. I think I was on the 20 mg for about two months.

Then in February of 2006 I decided to stop using Paxil because I was having some sexual performance anxieties with a new girlfriend. I'd get aroused initially but couldn't hold an erection. But this was just with her. Not by myself. After I stopped taking the Paxil I still had troubles so I don't think it was the Paxil after all. I think this was unrelated and mostly due to her because her sex drive didn't match mine.

Well I started getting depressed about 6 months ago (we broke up and I had a string of bad girlfriends and had allot of other issues), nothing excited me and my sex drive dropped. I had also quit smoking (sort of) and felt like this may have triggered something.

So on May 6th I started taking the Paxil again (10mg doses). The next morning I felt much better.

So I went back to my doctor to see if he could write me another prescription for Paxil since I felt like it had helped me in the past. But this time he told me to break the pills in half and take 20mg per day. One half when I woke up and one at night.

The next day I didn't have much of an appetite and when I went to bed that night, I was worrying about an HIV test my doctor ask me to take (came back negative by the way) and two hours later woke up and felt like I was dieing. Heart pounding, nervousness, couldn't sit still, pacing the hallway, dizzy, sweating. Then I had this desire to chain smoke. It went away after 12 hours.

I went back to the doctor and he said I could have had a drug interaction with Flomax (another doctor put me on it). But during the night it started again so I went to the emergency room. They gave me a 2mg shot of Lipo something best I can recall what it was called and a prescription in pill form which did no good.

I went back to the doctor and told him about these things he wrote me a prescription for Seroquel for sleeping and appetite.

From there the past two weeks have been a blur. These same symptoms will either occur all of a sudden then go away after a few seconds (like I feel one coming on) or can last 12-14 hours and go away or I'll goto bed feeling fine and wake up two hours later with my heart racing, dizziness, nervousness, can't sit still, sweating. But I'm not really worried about anything other than these symptoms.

Thursday I woke up a bit anxious and the symptoms sort of subsided and I ate a big meal but later that night woke up with the same symptoms. But about 4:30 pm I forced myself to eat something chasing it down with water and about 2 hours later started feeling fine and felt fine the rest of the night.

This morning I woke up about 6:30 am and felt sort of OK at first and forced myself to eat something but have been nauseated most of the day and a bit dizzy at times. Now it's 2:30pm and I am starting to feel a bit better.

It seems everyday is a different story. I'm just wondering if these are really anxiety attacks or side effects of Paxil? All of these are known side effects. I've also had a dry mouth but it's starting to go away.

My father is a diabetic and it runs in the family and I've been checking my blood sugar to see if my sugar is dropping because I haven't been eating very well since I got a stomach virus at the first of the month.

Everything that has bothered me in the past is nothing compared to these symptoms I am experiencing. I'm not sure what's triggering them or why they usually start 2 hours after I goto bed. I can't recall having any nightmares.

If it is Paxil, I just can't understand why my body didn't seem to have any issues with it back in 2004 but now it does unless it's because my doctor started me out on a higher dosage. Or it's really an anxiety attack I am going through.
I guess he wanted me to start out on 20mg to get it into my system even though I expressed 20mg made me feel drugged up.

05-27-2009, 05:17 PM

If it is of any comfort to you, I am in almost exactly the same
boat. But for many years I was fairly stable on just Xanax 1mg 3 xday
and Inderal 1mg 3 x day. Now, for some reason. My anxiety is all over
the place. The Pdoc has upped my dose of Xanax to 6mg/day if I need it
and 5 mg Inderal if I need it and also Visteral as needed 4mg 4 x day.
I try to keep the Xanax to 4mg /day. Been taking it for 30 YEARS!!!!! at
various amounts. But the BENZO's help me the most.

All of these drugs are the immediate acting and I can use them when I
needed. But I don't like to keep upping the drugs. I mean they do work
but I'm scared to keep upping them as my body may build up a tolerance
to it, then what. Well the Pdoc says we have other drugs. I have already
tried SSRI's and SNRI's and now he's trying anti-pyschotics aka major
tranquilizers. I've tried Resperidone, Gabatril, and now on Seroquel.
These drugs have a horrible safety profile. So taking them gives me anxiety.

So, I'm cutting different stuff out of my diet and seeing if maybe I have become sensitized to some food or drink. But my anxiety is all over the
place. Sometimes I real good, sometimes real bad.

This disorder is just very weird and manifests itself in so many physiological as well as physical methods and causes that they don't even
know for sure why the drugs work.

I try to just ignore the symptoms, take my medicine, and hang in there.
