View Full Version : Hormonal imbalance causing anxiety?

01-09-2013, 11:09 PM
My uncle brought something to my attention this evening. I have a pretty bad hormonal imbalance that my doctor tries to fix with birth control...is it possible that the imbalance makes the anxiety worse? I do not take meds for anxiety because I have anxiety over taking medicine. Have any of you other ladies noticed anything like this? This might be part of the reason I get anxious during sex to.

01-09-2013, 11:22 PM
There was a similar thread posted a while back about anxiety being worse during the menstrual cycle. Many women write to say that the anxiety definitely gets worse at that time. I'm sure the same can be said about a hormonal imbalance.

01-09-2013, 11:51 PM
It makes so much sense to me now. My uncle wants me to see a doctor who specializes in this in Oklahoma. I think I need to set up the appointment and make the drive.

01-09-2013, 11:55 PM
I think that's a great idea. Good luck!

01-09-2013, 11:59 PM
Ur from oklahoma? Lol

01-10-2013, 12:52 AM
No I'm not actually. I'm from Texas.

01-10-2013, 02:52 AM
I literally can NOT take birth control pills or anything that messes with my hormones, like the nuvaring, Minerva, the implant. Not only do I get physically ill from anything that contains progesterone, it makes me moody, depressed and anxious.

I have tried a LOT of options with birth control - every time a new mini pill comes out, or a new device, my doctor recommends, I try it and I usually go ok for a couple of months. When I start to go downhill, I don't even realise that it is happening and it's my partner who points out that I am on a downward spiral. I am that out of touch with my body and emotions that it is kind of sad.

You might have similar sensitivities? Do you have any other symptoms associated with birth control?

01-10-2013, 06:20 AM
A hormonal imbalance will only cause anxiety if the imbalance itself is causing some kinda symptom.
Merely having an imbalance (with no symptoms) won't cause a problem! (obvious but worth mentioning)

From where do you think your anxiety stems? a physical symptom or a worry? or don't you know?

01-10-2013, 06:53 AM
The birth control is causing high blood pressure...because of the high blood pressure I'm more anxious...because I'm more anxious I have more symptoms. I'm not sure if any of the other symptoms are because of the hormones or if its just my mind racing.

01-10-2013, 07:00 AM
The birth control is causing high blood pressure...because of the high blood pressure I'm more anxious...because I'm more anxious I have more symptoms. I'm not sure if any of the other symptoms are because of the hormones or if its just my mind racing.

Ok, so why do you know and what made you suspect high b/p in the first place? when did you first find out you had high b/p?

01-10-2013, 07:03 AM
The birth control is causing high blood pressure...because of the high blood pressure I'm more anxious...because I'm more anxious I have more symptoms. I'm not sure if any of the other symptoms are because of the hormones or if its just my mind racing.

Yes it can. I am going through that now. I am on a hormone patch because I am in pre menopause and my hormone are out of whack. I kept telling them I have never ever had anxiety like this before in my life although I have had anxiety forever but nothing like this. I could always control it better before. Now it's all over the place. If you research hormone imbalance symptoms you will see all the effects it can cause. The patch has helped some but it cause me to have periods 2-3 times a month so we are still trying to find the right does. Hormones can make your anxiety ten times more exp if your prone to anxiety like me. My ob/ gyn told me it can increase your anxiety. And also can give you heart palps like I have. I am at a loss because the patches just are not doing everything I need them too but when I tried to take it off a few days, oh boy, I slapped that thing back on. But I just can't handle the extra periods every month because I am low in B12 too and the periods keep that to low. So I am struggling to find the right thing for me:(

01-10-2013, 11:44 AM
Hormones imbalance can cause anxiety to hit the roof. I dont like taking pills, so another option, watch your food. Google womentowomen or allwomenstalk. Dont read the other stuffs, just read about hormones.

I think awhile back theres a thread or link somewhere but i cant remember which forum i saw it at. '-_-

If youre thinking, yes, i still am anxious during my cycle but it is way much better than it was. I dont take no pills or supplements. Your diet is important.

01-10-2013, 05:55 PM
I have been the most at ease today than I have been in weeks. Blood pressure is back down to normal and I have not had that many symptoms today. My hormones have always been all out of whack. I keep telling myself this and it keeps me calm. I am also going to try to get into a normal sleeping and eating routine and see if that will make a difference.

01-10-2013, 06:38 PM
Let me tell u I'm pregnant and these hormones are kicking my ass mentally my anxiety is 1000 times worse then it was before ugh

01-10-2013, 06:41 PM
I have been the most at ease today than I have been in weeks. Blood pressure is back down to normal and I have not had that many symptoms today. My hormones have always been all out of whack. I keep telling myself this and it keeps me calm. I am also going to try to get into a normal sleeping and eating routine and see if that will make a difference.

So what did you do different? Did you stop birth control? Or just passed that time of the month:)

01-10-2013, 08:10 PM
Next time you feel a little anxious, grab a warm shower or bath. It helps ease a little.

This is also the best time to challenge your anxiety.

All the while i thought birth controls are the best to get your hormones in order. I guess the pills are still alien to me. Ive never been on any and i dont plan to.

01-10-2013, 08:28 PM
Yes it can. I am going through that now. I am on a hormone patch because I am in pre menopause and my hormone are out of whack. I kept telling them I have never ever had anxiety like this before in my life although I have had anxiety forever but nothing like this. I could always control it better before. Now it's all over the place. If you research hormone imbalance symptoms you will see all the effects it can cause. The patch has helped some but it cause me to have periods 2-3 times a month so we are still trying to find the right does. Hormones can make your anxiety ten times more exp if your prone to anxiety like me. My ob/ gyn told me it can increase your anxiety. And also can give you heart palps like I have. I am at a loss because the patches just are not doing everything I need them too but when I tried to take it off a few days, oh boy, I slapped that thing back on. But I just can't handle the extra periods every month because I am low in B12 too and the periods keep that to low. So I am struggling to find the right thing for me:(

I thought they have therapy for this? The heart palps are unfortunately normal for me. Even before i had anxiety, ive already had it. It lessens though when i get on a diet.

I still believe, with the correct diet and exercise, it will lessen the palps. I used to have it almost everyday. Then anxiety kicks in and i had it almost all the time.

My menses was only once every 3months. I have no diet at that point. I ate alot of fast foods. No exercise and no anxiety. It all changed after i had anxiety.

I eat alot of potatoes, like everyday i eat them lol. I switch my foods from fish to chicken to meat daily. Every thursday, i only eat light foods. Like soft beancurd, soups, anything light. I dont eat cakes or chocolates until i crave them which is difficult at first because i bake and chocolates are my must haves. I also eat every 3hours. I dont eat till im full, i just take moderate amounts.

Hmm what else.

01-10-2013, 09:02 PM
I just stopped the birth control. My blood pressure has been 117/78 all 3 times I have checked it today and my heart has not been pounding.

01-10-2013, 09:04 PM
Therapy for what?

01-10-2013, 10:04 PM
Therapy for what?

For hormones imbalance.

01-20-2013, 06:54 PM
For hormones imbalance.

Humm. I did not know they have therapy. Just pills and patches. What is involved in hormone therapy?