View Full Version : Dizzy, chest pain, tiredness. Anxiety? How to deal with them?

01-08-2013, 06:37 PM
Hi all, this is my first post. Hello. So for almost a year now I've had these symptoms. I could get dizzy anytime, anywhere. It seems to just stay with me most of the day. It's very hard to deal with and has stopped me doing things like going out. It just feels like my eyes going kind of blurry and it's awful, I can't really explain it. Chest pain mostly happens when I'm feeling stressed, though it can be random sometimes. The thing that possibly is bothering the most, well it's sort of a tie between this and the dizziness is how tired I suddenly feel during the day when I haven't done anything to suddenly feel tired for no reason. I can be just relaxing or just doing anything and bam, there it is, hello. So after having a lot of tests for all sorts of things and just blood tests etc. Everything is fine, apparently. So I think Anxiety is the best answer I have. I've always been quite shy and I'm not very good at meeting people.

Well I thought I'd share this. One thing I will ask is, I'm sure some of you have dealt with stuff like this. So, got any advice? I'd really appreciate it. Because it's really getting in the way of my school work and right now is one of the WORST times for this to happen. I just want to be able to do things again. It's just odd I get these feelings when I'm just feeling fine. Well anyway.


01-08-2013, 06:43 PM
Hey, Antichrist, and welcome! What you describe sounds like classic anxiety to me. The reason it sneaks up on you when you're relaxing is because it's probably going on a lot more than you think so, you're just able to ignore it, up to a certain point. The fact that you are passively ignoring this feeling makes you tired, wears you down, so when you go to relax, boom, there it is. Are you in therapy at all? Do you have a diagnosis or are you self-diagnosing?

01-08-2013, 06:54 PM
Hey! Thanks for the response. Well, I haven't exactly been diagnosed. Doctors never had an answer for me, they always said my blood was normal and there was nothing wrong. It's annoying because it's stopping me from doing lots of things.

What can I do? Is there anything to maybe stop or at least help these symptoms? I'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks.

01-08-2013, 08:14 PM
From what I've read, using any stimulants, like caffeine, trigger the release of adrenaline in your system, which can contribute to an anxiety response. So, my suggestion would be to reduce or limit your intake. I think a surprising symptom is that anxiety tends to be present on a low-level, even when you don't realize it, so it tends to wear you out and sneak up when you're least expecting it. Confide in friends. And go to your doctor for a proper diagnosis. See a psychiatrist, if you can. They're specialists in psych meds and can probably suggest a good match, if that's the way you want to go.

01-09-2013, 12:38 AM
Yeah I think it's worth seeing a psychiatrist and exploring whether you have an anxiety disorder since physical disorders have been ruled out. The other thing that comes to mind w/ the tiredness and vertigo is you could possibly have sleep apnea or some other sleep disorder. Have you explored that? You could talk to a psychiatrist about that as well and if they thought it was worth pursuing you'd follow up w/ a sleep specialist.

01-09-2013, 12:48 AM
All signs your body is warn out. It's cries for help. Do your body a favour and let the symptoms happen. Don't fight it, don't fear it and most of all don't add more fear and stress to an already worn out and stressed body. Accept it's anxiety and you'll be well on your way to recovery. It'll take months to heal fully but removing the stress and fear you're piling on top of your body will help it heal.

You can and will get better, just stop fighting it and stop trying to get better. Your body will do it itself provided you stop worrying about getting better.


01-09-2013, 05:36 PM
Thanks for the response, guys. I'll watch my caffeine intake.