View Full Version : Feel on edge :-(

01-08-2013, 05:00 PM
Feeling a lot of anxiety tonight and can sleep my body feels sensitive to everything . I'm worried it will carry on into work tomorrow

01-08-2013, 05:04 PM
I've been the same all day. I cannot seem to break it today.
I asked my work if I could have 3 days off to relax & get my head straight. They said no. Brilliant :/
What symptoms do you get?
What are your usual relaxation techniques?

01-08-2013, 05:10 PM
Sometimes tingling shortness of breath a heavy feeling throughout my body I'm eyes are really tired but my mind won't let me sleep . I'm lying on my bed window open deep breathing and just trying to relax . Sorry to hear h haven't been doing to good yourself today :( x

01-08-2013, 05:16 PM
I get similar symptoms. Most of the time I don't feel like I'm in my own body too, if that makes sense. Also my eyes feel like they are really wide & my pupils go huge. Tires me out feeling like this every day.

Do you ever use anything to help you sleep?

01-08-2013, 05:22 PM
No never use anything , the doctor prescribed me some diazepam when I was feeling my worse 2mg I only ever took half I get worried about taking medication . It also doesn't help I'm on my period I always feel worse these times :-( I had a lot of stress yesterday my sis house caught fire and I ran in got the children out and processed to put the fire out . I then spent a couple of hours in a& e I was fine though :) also yesterday was my first day back at work after a 2 week break x

01-08-2013, 05:27 PM
Are you not on any anti-depressants either then?

Oh wow, I'm not surprised that you're feeling on edge today! That's a very brave thing for you to do! But a big strain nonetheless. Glad that everyone is okay! It may be a delayed reaction from yesterday's events. All of that in 1 day is enough to push anyone over the edge.

I've bought some Clipper tea that is meant to help you sleep. 1 or 2 cups an hour before bed. I've not tried it yet, but if it works I will let you know.

What sort of job do you do? Is it normally quite stressful?

01-08-2013, 05:36 PM
No I enjoy it I TA Andy really like . I just worry ill be to anxious and workbook the others will tell or the pupils :-(

01-08-2013, 05:44 PM
I would speak to your doctor about it if it's happening a lot. They can probably put you forward for CBT. I'm on the waiting list at the moment.

Rescue Remedy do chewing gum & things that might help you during the day. It's natural so no side effects, unlike some medication.

I hope you manage to feel better tomorrow. X