View Full Version : Do you get tingles all over your body?

01-08-2013, 02:49 AM
So im a 20 year old female & lately ive been getting tingles all over my body. But mostly right below my collar bone, but above my breast on the left side. (Im very flat chested) anyways, i have this tingle that doesnt really go away, unless im not thinking about it. But its hard not to think about it. No pain, just tingle & pressure.
Has anyone else had this?

01-08-2013, 10:52 AM
So im a 20 year old female & lately ive been getting tingles all over my body. But mostly right below my collar bone, but above my breast on the left side. (Im very flat chested) anyways, i have this tingle that doesnt really go away, unless im not thinking about it. But its hard not to think about it. No pain, just tingle & pressure.
Has anyone else had this?

Could you explain the tingle sensation? Does it feel like an electric shock, cause when my anxiety is high I feel like their is a small lighting storm in my chest, but not in a specific area just all over.

01-08-2013, 04:38 PM
Whenever my anxiety would burst into a full out panic attack I'd get tingle/pins and needles all over my arms.

01-08-2013, 06:26 PM
Could you explain the tingle sensation? Does it feel like an electric shock, cause when my anxiety is high I feel like their is a small lighting storm in my chest, but not in a specific area just all over.

Yes! Its like a small lighting storm in my chest & upper breast. It just feels really tingly & yeah like an electric shock. It doesnt hurt but its really annoying!

01-08-2013, 06:37 PM
Yes! Its like a small lighting storm in my chest & upper breast. It just feels really tingly & yeah like an electric shock. It doesnt hurt but its really annoying!

What you describe has a ring of familiarity to it. That can definitely be caused by anxiety, but it's important to let your doctor know what symptoms you are having, just to make sure that nothing else is going on.

01-08-2013, 08:47 PM
The most common place I feel tingle sensations are: random places on my scalp, cheek or side of face, arm or finger tip, bottom of my feet.

01-08-2013, 08:53 PM
I haven't got it in along time but use too when my anxiety was really bad I would feel like crawling on my legs and arms like a tingling it drove me nuts lol

01-09-2013, 08:15 AM
You should definitely get this checked out first by a medical doctor to rule-out any heart or other condition.

Tingling sensations are fairly common in those suffering from anxiety. Not only is tingling sometimes related to irregular breathing in some with anxiety, but those with anxiety tend to be hyper sensitive to sensations in the body in general.

You may start by keeping a log of when you have them -what you were thinking about and doing during and before you felt sensation, include other facts like amount of sleep and amount and types of food. You may possibly start to see a pattern and learn to certain behaviors or thoughts If you're prone to obsessions, however, you may want to avoid this task.