View Full Version : Sigh... Just took the xanax 27 mins ago Freaking out

01-07-2013, 11:19 PM
First time taking it.25 mg and Whelp like I thought I freaked out and I'm still freaking out. I feel like my throat is swelling a lump in it. My hearts racing.... This is horrible. I'm petrified

01-07-2013, 11:36 PM
Chill man your ok. That is a low dose. I think I've taken over 3 times that amount. Why are you freaking out?

01-07-2013, 11:37 PM
It's something I never took beefier. I've heard bad things!

01-07-2013, 11:39 PM
Yeah if you take enough everyday for 2 months you may have withdrawal when you stop, but you're not going to just die. Ok, well, in all seriousness, anyone can have a bad reaction to a pharmaceutical, thats true. But can you separate if this is you just freaking out or real?

01-07-2013, 11:43 PM
I don't even think I would feel .25 mg. Just a bit sleepy. I would need .8 to really feel something remarkable. Klonopins I was taking 2 mg. Are you doing ok?

01-08-2013, 12:15 AM
Don't make yourself freak out, just let it do its job. Get some fresh air drink some water. .25mg is a small dose, well depends on your weight I think. But I'm a big guy and it takes 2mg of ativan to calm me down. Your problem freaking out cause it ain't working and your expecting some relief. It's happen to me before just breath and tell yourself, I'm ok everything is going to be find.

01-08-2013, 03:09 AM
Hey you ok there buddy? You may be the first person that had a bad trip on Xanax. hahaha

01-08-2013, 04:43 AM
Tell me what it did for you :)

01-08-2013, 05:21 AM
.25 is a tiny amount. I usually just split the pill, take half to see if that will do the trick, and if it isn't cutting it, I will take the second half.
Let us know how you are doing?

01-08-2013, 09:13 AM
After 30 mins of thinking this was the end and I as dying it finally kicked in lol. I went to sleep about a hour after that. I only had three hrs of sleep the night before so I don't know of it was that I was tires or they were making me hella drowsy. J just woke up and I feel nervous I don't know if I should take it during the day. I wonder how many hrs it lasts???? It's .25 mg and my dr said 2 times a day as needed. I want to have a good day :( I haven't for 2 weeks... I've been in constant fear of having another bad one the whole time. Now my kids know Mommys slightly crazy cuz I haven't been able to hide it. I want them to think I'm better

01-08-2013, 09:19 AM
After 30 mins of thinking this was the end and I as dying it finally kicked in lol. I went to sleep about a hour after that. I only had three hrs of sleep the night before so I don't know of it was that I was tires or they were making me hella drowsy. J just woke up and I feel nervous I don't know if I should take it during the day. I wonder how many hrs it lasts???? It's .25 mg and my dr said 2 times a day as needed. I want to have a good day :( I haven't for 2 weeks... I've been in constant fear of having another bad one the whole time. Now my kids know Mommys slightly crazy cuz I haven't been able to hide it. I want them to think I'm better

I cut mine in half during the day because it does make me a little sleepy.

01-08-2013, 09:22 AM
Did it make u feel good?!

01-08-2013, 09:32 AM
Yes I felt like normal. It was so refreshing to breath again! Now I'm on edge... I wanna have a good day but gosh am I going to be one of guess people that have to have it always on my system to function? It's not a panic attack attack I'm basically nervous to get one... All... The .... TIME. sigh

01-08-2013, 09:44 AM
I feel the same way :/ but the doc said u can take it 2 as needed so just take it see how it works or cut i5 in half and take the half

01-08-2013, 09:58 AM
Yes I felt like normal. It was so refreshing to breath again! Now I'm on edge... I wanna have a good day but gosh am I going to be one of guess people that have to have it always on my system to function? It's not a panic attack attack I'm basically nervous to get one... All... The .... TIME. sigh

Experiment and take one during the day and see how you feel, if it's to much then next time take half.

cat eyes
01-08-2013, 10:16 AM
I feel the same way :/ but the doc said u can take it 2 as needed so just take it see how it works or cut i5 in half and take the half

My dr told me to take Xanax also but I am too afraid and I am suffering.

cat eyes
01-08-2013, 10:20 AM
I feel the same way :/ but the doc said u can take it 2 as needed so just take it see how it works or cut i5 in half and take the half

I suffer so much but I am afraid to take Xanax.

01-08-2013, 10:26 AM
I'm scraed to take valium lol

01-08-2013, 10:28 AM
I suffer so much but I am afraid to take Xanax.

Take it you will feel a big relief, it's not going to make it worse. Stop suffering and face your fear. Take the xanax. You'll be fine. Let us know what happens.

01-08-2013, 10:33 AM
I'm scraed to take valium lol

Take it cara why put yourself through hell. Face your fears!

01-08-2013, 10:53 AM
They are right. It was the hardest thing I ever had to do but I did! It tookk everything i me to put that little pill in my mouth but i did. I called my mom crying right after I took it told her my throat was swelling my heart was racing then 30 mins later I felt like normal Kim. I actually could smile which I haven't been able to do in two weeks . I haven't been myself at all. And guess what? The only reason i was able to do it was because of this forum. :) it's been a huge help

01-08-2013, 11:22 AM
Yeah but even when I'm not anxious my mind races will the meds help that too?

01-08-2013, 11:31 AM
Now since I only took it once I'm not sure. I did have constantly on my mind is this working? But not bad thoughts once it started kickin in. I'm going to take it again before I go tithe grocery store tonight at 10pm cuz I'm already worried about going there. I will keep u posted on how ha goes because last night I wasn't up Long enough to know how I felt, but when I was still up I felt fine :)

cat eyes
01-08-2013, 11:34 AM
I'm scraed to take valium lol

Right now I feel my hands cold, I feel shaky and I feel like I will pass out any second.

01-08-2013, 11:38 AM
I'm waiting for my counsler about to freak out

01-08-2013, 11:41 AM
Are you going to talk to her about meds? I feel your pain girl. I'm freaking out now cuz I have to wait so long to take another pill.. But again I'm scared to take it when I shouldn't be cuz nothing happened the first time -.-.. Talk to ur dr about meds cara!

01-08-2013, 11:45 AM
I have meds I'm just scared to take them lol I'm scraed they will put me to sleep or what if I pass out why can't I just take the pill :( I just want to feel better and not worse

01-08-2013, 11:51 AM
Car, just start with a small dose and give it 30 mins or so as xanax is a fast acting med. Then you'll have a better idea of how it effects you, etc. Don't feel defensive about meds and with the xanax just use as little as needed only when needed. Alankay

01-08-2013, 11:54 AM
Its valium

01-08-2013, 12:45 PM
I don't know anything about valiums but I assume its like the Xanax. girrrrrl it to everything in me to take that pill but once it kicked it I could of almost cried because I felt so much better! I know his would help you! We are so similar. I just did it even though my brain was screaming not to. I probably will have the issue when I take it again tonight but I'm going to. It's part of our illness Hun. We are worriers. This helps us balance

01-08-2013, 12:48 PM
I think of it like his. Our brains want us to suffer. Just take control and say screw u brain and do it. Try it once! A doctor won't prescribe something to hurt us. These Are all little pep talks I have with myself as we'll :) it's a process but I think both of us can get our life's back *hugs*

01-08-2013, 01:17 PM
I think of it like his. Our brains want us to suffer. Just take control and say screw u brain and do it. Try it once! A doctor won't prescribe something to hurt us. These Are all little pep talks I have with myself as we'll :) it's a process but I think both of us can get our life's back *hugs*

Aww thanks so much I'm still trying to work myself up to take 1/4th of it lol silly I know but u really gave some light to me I keep on threatening myself with it like when I get anxious I hold the pill lol and I kinda calm down

01-08-2013, 01:53 PM
Lol! Whatever works right? I'm having issues right know because the next time u take ur is do far away and I'm freaking out.... Then I'm also freakish out about taking it. I don't understand why when last night went fine.. Sigh

01-08-2013, 01:54 PM
And girl you so welcome. You all help me too!

cat eyes
01-08-2013, 04:16 PM
I don't know anything about valiums but I assume its like the Xanax. girrrrrl it to everything in me to take that pill but once it kicked it I could of almost cried because I felt so much better! I know his would help you! We are so similar. I just did it even though my brain was screaming not to. I probably will have the issue when I take it again tonight but I'm going to. It's part of our illness Hun. We are worriers. This helps us balance

I wish I can get the effort to take it. I am suffering.

cat eyes
01-08-2013, 04:17 PM
Its valium

Inbox me. How r u? I am dying any minute.

01-08-2013, 04:27 PM
When in doubt, take more xanax.

01-08-2013, 06:00 PM
Well I got to my counslers office and paniced :( I will never ne able to get help :(:(

01-08-2013, 06:04 PM
Yes I felt like normal. It was so refreshing to breath again! Now I'm on edge... I wanna have a good day but gosh am I going to be one of guess people that have to have it always on my system to function?

Yes you will, like the rest if the idiots on this forum. This is how you should think about drugs: "I will take this when I need it, and when I need it only, and in the meantime I will do everything in my power to cure my anxiety disorder without drugs. I do not want to become a statistic Benzo addict and drugs can't cure me but only offer a temporary vacation from my symptoms. I am glad they are here if I need them, but the real cure comes from myself and other natural modalities."

Trust me on this one! Trust me! All paths lead to you curing yourself med free!

01-08-2013, 06:25 PM
I'm glad you were able to take the xanax and be calm for a bit. If you are worried about getting too sleepy during the day, split the pill and take half. It will take the edge off of your anxiety for a bit. I do only try to take xanax only when I am having an actual panic attack, because xanax really isn't a "long term" solution.
If you have had persistent anxiety, has your doctor spoken to you about taking an SSRI. Basically does the same as xanax, but its for longer term usage.
I'm just glad you got a bit of relief for a while!!!!

01-09-2013, 10:20 AM
Thanks! And my first dr visit was on a Sunday at walk in clinic cuz nothing else was open and the emergency room wait was hours long. But I know he deals with mental health cu when I went there my daughter was like mommy Taylor comes here for her bi polar stuff. So I think he is familiar ... But j don't have a regular dr. That was the first time it had me so freaked out that I went to talk to someone about my anxiety and get a EKG of course lol. Every other visit has been emergency room cuz I couldn't breath and I thought I was dying... Never actually discussed the anxiety with anyone.

Im hoping to find someone soon. Because as of the last two weeks I am constantly on edge. Fearful of a bad one. Not actually an attack but it eventually after an exhausting day of worry I do get on. So it's been a 24 hrs thing... Sigh. This is new! They use to only be every blue moon and passed right after. And not again for months. Nothing's happened to trigger this. I'm scared this is going to be my every day life :( forever??? I don't want to be considered crazy.... Sigh

01-09-2013, 11:16 AM
Did u take ur xanax last night? Did it help u?

01-09-2013, 12:41 PM
Did u take ur xanax last night? Did it help u?

Yes! I took it before I went to the grocery store (30 mins before) so it would be working. Last time I had went I freaked out there and begged my bf to take me home... He wouldn't -.- so I took it and eventually I was fine. Cara there are no side effects except I feel normal. I haven't even felt sleepy unless j don't know it cuz it's always at night when I take it. I took it just now to test it during the day so I can see how it works while I'm off so I know how it will effect me. So far so good girl. This might be the answer until there's another way! Really consider it. There's no reason to suffer if u don't have to. It's STILL hard to get that pill in my mouth but it is getting easier.