View Full Version : Need to Talk

05-18-2007, 02:12 AM
Hi Everyone,

I know everyone has different symptoms but I just need to say how I am feeling just now, as no one matches up quite the same.

My current anxiety attack came on 2 weeks ago. I had numbness in two of my toes on each foot. (Probably cause I have been standing the day before for 16 hours). My mind started to work over time. I went to doctors and she prescribed me Propanalol. I have been taking them religiously. I had a bad panic attack on Saturday and ended up going to A&E, got an ECG, Blood Test and an Xray, and my heart is fine.

When I was in the hospital they chacked my legs and asked if I had been abroad and checked my legs (Test was completely routine), now since then I have had pain in legs, so of course I am thinking along the lines of blood clot.......

Sometimes I have tingling in my face, but my legs are the worse, along with tension and aching in my neck down into my shoulders and tension in my jaws, which I have never had before....which is scary.

I went agin to see the doctor on Monday as I was struggling at work, I cannot concentrate and tension in my face was unbelievable. She signed me off for a fortnight, but I do not know why but she just seemed really off with me, I do not think all doctors are fully appreciative of the way you feel. I really hate taking time off work, but at this point in time it's a place I do not want to be cause there I am as much use as a chocolate teapot, but now all I am worrying about is if I will be ready to go back a week on Monday, I have doctor a week today, but am dreading it as I just do not think she understands. But we will have to wait and see.

Thanks for listening.


05-23-2007, 11:06 AM
I have all your symptoms but I am not sure yet if they are causing anxiety or if anxiety is causing them.

05-24-2007, 01:06 AM

I have been throught the same thing recently. I was having 3 or 4 severe panic attacks a day for about a week before my doc finally put me on seroxat and clonazepam. I took 3 weeks off work (on and off, some of the time I got in but the attacks were so bad I went home on numerous occassions).

I am now back at work and although still not 100%, I don't have the fear of getting sacked anymore when I was sitting at home. Some days are good, some days are not so (like today) but the meds are helping.

All the best, if your doc was not anything but sympathetic then change doctors, I did three times before I found one I liked. The second doc I saw suggested it was all in my head and I should talk my way out of it. I was lying down in the nurses office unable to move at the time having just had an attack, he just told me to go home when I was ready, no help or anything!! :roll: . Needless to say I reported him to the owner of the surgery and received a postal apology the next day. Will never go back there though.

Feel free to PM if you want to chat.