View Full Version : Work description

01-07-2013, 07:01 PM
I'm what we call in the USA, a Bodyman. I do auto collision repair and paint, I specialize in auto restoration. My expertise are mustangs, but I've worked on plenty of muscle cars. I'm good at my trade, and I enjoy what I do. I have found that keeping my mind busy either fabricating or modifying something on a car keeps my anxiety at a tolerable level.

What do you guys do for a living and how does having a disorder affect or not, in the work environment?

01-07-2013, 07:18 PM
I'm 16 years old. I'm afraid to get a job, because I'm afraid of not being able to commit! I miss school a lot because of panic attacks. I'm afraid of getting fired because I might have to miss work at times :/

01-09-2013, 02:35 AM
I work at tom thumb a gas station down south and I find that when I'm busy at my job I don't think about it at all but then when I have time to think that's when I usually get nervous usually when walking away but then it goes away most of the people that come in are regulars and if not I just feel safe regardless I guess its bc I've done it so many times I'm working on going other places to build that confidence

01-09-2013, 08:27 AM
I think you're on to something. A good way to manage and prevent anxiety long-term, is to be physically active (running, gardening, hiking, kick-boxing, playing basketball, etc.) -and in your case, auto restoration. Although not always providing immediate releif to acute anxiety (not a magic bullet), it has been associated with benefits for anxiety sufferers. Not only does it help one mentally focus on something else and help one exert pent-up energy, but it can also be a way to socialize with others.

01-09-2013, 10:09 AM
I'll be the odd duck here,i own a small sporting goods store,boat rental business on a small lake.I put in a 12 hour day in the store and live above the store in a studio so i'm here 24/7.I deal with anxiety every day at different levels,money when times are tough-people don't spend it so i don't make it,dealing with people daily wears on me-especially the obnoxious ones.I love the outdoor business and with things the way they are in the economy,leaving the business and finding a regular good paying job is next to impossible in my area.I love gardening so i spend time in the vegetable garden every chance i get,it does take my mind offof things if even only for a short time.

01-09-2013, 11:12 AM
I work full time in the admissions office of a university. Work is usually either really quiet or quite repetitive, so I have a lot of time to think. Obviously, that doesn't help my anxiety, so I'm usually at least at a low-level state of anxious. When work gets busy it's great because it distracts me. One of my best friends also works full time, and she helps me a lot by emailing me at work to help me keep my mind off of things. I'm trying to see it as a good opportunity to work on the anxiety--if it's there, I can be working on it!

01-09-2013, 11:23 AM
I have had to quit all my jobs due to panic :/

01-09-2013, 11:52 AM
Put on your war face Cara,get mean,don't let it win!! :)

01-09-2013, 12:18 PM
IT Technician here. Just when things get nuts I get anxious but I've learned to calm myself and a daily ssri helps me worry less and so be less anxious. Alankay

01-09-2013, 12:22 PM
I'm a full-time student. It definitely effects my ability to concentrate but luckily hasn't interfered with my grades.

01-09-2013, 01:40 PM
I'll be the odd duck here,i own a small sporting goods store,boat rental business on a small lake.I put in a 12 hour day in the store and live above the store in a studio so i'm here 24/7.I deal with anxiety every day at different levels,money when times are tough-people don't spend it so i don't make it,dealing with people daily wears on me-especially the obnoxious ones.I love the outdoor business and with things the way they are in the economy,leaving the business and finding a regular good paying job is next to impossible in my area.I love gardening so i spend time in the vegetable garden every chance i get,it does take my mind offof things if even only for a short time.

I work retail as well. Most of the time i love my customers but when someone gets upset at me over something as trivial as a free twilight poster with purchase i start to feel pretty down. Something so trivial and materialistic is never a reason to attack me or co workers personally. I feel over all confident in who i am just not where i am. It all takes a toll when its built up for so long.

01-09-2013, 01:59 PM
LOL,i'm amazed at some of the things people have tried to pull on me,i think i've heard every possible story out there over the last 8 years.Most of the time its trivial little things that i let slide but every now and then i get someone that pushes me over the edge and i pop a gasket lol.Its a good thing i don't drink much or i'd be a full blown alcoholic by the end of the season.

01-09-2013, 02:03 PM
I recently had someone accuse my co worker of being in the fitting room with her husband. My co worker had been on break and not even in the store at the time! Its amazing to me the way some people behave in public. I think i need a break from retail but this economy is very hard to move around in and i cannot afford to lose my health insurance. Sometimes i think itd help to write a book about my experiences in retail. Both to vent and educate the public.

01-09-2013, 02:19 PM
I'm a truck driver, it is not the best job for anxiety! Sometimes road rage, traffic, long days get to you, not to mention that I am all alone and do nothing but sit!

I have found that sitting makes me hurt, especially my back and that tends to lead to some anxiety because anything to cause distress can induce anxiety.

I must say though I am at least 100 times better with this than with my previous job with an insurance company in a call center, I just could not take being chained go a desk all day, being constantly watched and monitored, all while having to deal with people on the phone who usually had a bad attitude and wanted to be rude with me over things beyond my control, that is the job that "broke me" and got me started on all this anxiety stuff, not a time goes by that I ever miss that job, quitting was the best thing I have ever done.

I really wish that I could do one of my dream jobs, that would be building hot rods or race cars (I used to be an auto mrchanic) or teaching karate.. Oh well, maybe in the future.

01-09-2013, 02:25 PM
I'm a truck driver, it is not the best job for anxiety! Sometimes road rage, traffic, long days get to you, not to mention that I am all alone and do nothing but sit!

I have found that sitting makes me hurt, especially my back and that tends to lead to some anxiety because anything to cause distress can induce anxiety.

I must say though I am at least 100 times better with this than with my previous job with an insurance company in a call center, I just could not take being chained go a desk all day, being constantly watched and monitored, all while having to deal with people on the phone who usually had a bad attitude and wanted to be rude with me over things beyond my control, that is the job that "broke me" and got me started on all this anxiety stuff, not a time goes by that I ever miss that job, quitting was the best thing I have ever done.

I really wish that I could do one of my dream jobs, that would be building hot rods or race cars (I used to be an auto mrchanic) or teaching karate.. Oh well, maybe in the future.

My past relationship broke me, he would sarcastically tell me he would leave me if i gained weight and i subconsciously became anorexic. I crashed so hard that i was pretty much a vegetable for two weeks. Unable to eat or move. Couldnt even change the channel on the tv with a remote. When i finally recovered i resented him and left him, it was a decision that scared me since i hadnt been single in years. Ive been dealin with anxiety for a long time and the biggest fear now is that something will put me back in that state, or worse.

01-10-2013, 01:21 AM
I have had to quit all my jobs due to panic :/

I've been there too!

01-10-2013, 01:37 AM
I think you're on to something. A good way to manage and prevent anxiety long-term, is to be physically active (running, gardening, hiking, kick-boxing, playing basketball, etc.) -and in your case, auto restoration. Although not always providing immediate releif to acute anxiety (not a magic bullet), it has been associated with benefits for anxiety sufferers. Not only does it help one mentally focus on something else and help one exert pent-up energy, but it can also be a way to socialize with others.

It's my anxiety that makes my loyalty to my customer much greater, as I see it I want to do the job right the first time, cause if I don't I can't stop thinking about it hence Anxiety! Lol.

I enjoy my trade, some days could be real rough but I manage to finish the day in a positive mood, cause I have a sense of accomplishment.

01-10-2013, 01:42 AM
I'm 16 years old. I'm afraid to get a job, because I'm afraid of not being able to commit! I miss school a lot because of panic attacks. I'm afraid of getting fired because I might have to miss work at times :/

Start off in retail, meet new people. See what's out there, your young most likely your first job is not going to predict your career. That's you to decide and you have the time in your hands.

01-10-2013, 01:43 AM
I work at tom thumb a gas station down south and I find that when I'm busy at my job I don't think about it at all but then when I have time to think that's when I usually get nervous usually when walking away but then it goes away most of the people that come in are regulars and if not I just feel safe regardless I guess its bc I've done it so many times I'm working on going other places to build that confidence

Yup that's what I'm talking about! Good luck on facing your fears.

01-10-2013, 02:00 AM
I'll be the odd duck here,i own a small sporting goods store,boat rental business on a small lake.I put in a 12 hour day in the store and live above the store in a studio so i'm here 24/7.I deal with anxiety every day at different levels,money when times are tough-people don't spend it so i don't make it,dealing with people daily wears on me-especially the obnoxious ones.I love the outdoor business and with things the way they are in the economy,leaving the business and finding a regular good paying job is next to impossible in my area.I love gardening so i spend time in the vegetable garden every chance i get,it does take my mind offof things if even only for a short time.

I feel you! I owned my shop for 7 years, the first 7 years all I did was make enough money to pay my rents and 3 employees. Lol!! I would panic when I would have to give my guys the day or week off.

01-10-2013, 02:11 AM
I'm a nurse and am emetophobic (fear of vomiting)... This has made it a difficult job for me. My anxiety is ok for the most part. However, when there is an illness around that involves vomiting, my anxiety sky rockets! For example, the Norwalk virus started going through my workplace about 3 wks ago, so now my anxiety is particularly bad. I try to not let it affect my job, I try to fulfill all my shifts. I am working through it.... But still considering a career change...

01-10-2013, 02:57 AM
I'm a nurse and am emetophobic (fear of vomiting)... This has made it a difficult job for me. My anxiety is ok for the most part. However, when there is an illness around that involves vomiting, my anxiety sky rockets! For example, the Norwalk virus started going through my workplace about 3 wks ago, so now my anxiety is particularly bad. I try to not let it affect my job, I try to fulfill all my shifts. I am working through it.... But still considering a career change...

There are a lot of thins a nurse can do outside the hospital environment. My mum is a nurse and she works for the Red Cross taking blood and plasma for donations. There will be an occasional vomit from a bad reaction, but a job like this might be more suitable for someone like you?

01-10-2013, 06:06 AM
I'm what we call in the USA, a Bodyman. I do auto collision repair and paint, I specialize in auto restoration. My expertise are mustangs, but I've worked on plenty of muscle cars. I'm good at my trade, and I enjoy what I do. I have found that keeping my mind busy either fabricating or modifying something on a car keeps my anxiety at a tolerable level.

What do you guys do for a living and how does having a disorder affect or not, in the work environment?

Specialist electronics designer + programmer.

I work for an instrumentation company, specialising in humidity and oxygen measurement.

I specialise in writing windows software.
There's not a lot I can't do with a computer :-)

01-10-2013, 06:15 AM
In a word... SHIT!

01-10-2013, 06:23 AM
In a word... SHIT!


as in Dung gatherer or muck spreader? :-D

01-10-2013, 06:25 AM
Specialist electronics designer + programmer.

I work for an instrumentation company, specialising in humidity and oxygen measurement.

I specialise in writing windows software.
There's not a lot I can't do with a computer :-)

Not quite as a techie as Dazza, but I'm pretty handy with computers, I do some minor tech work...I would like to take some developer classes though....

01-10-2013, 06:26 AM

as in Dung gatherer or muck spreader? :-D

Just as bad yeh haha

Although that job might suit me better, I bet it has less dealings with the general DICKHEAD public.

01-10-2013, 09:27 AM
I'm a nurse and am emetophobic (fear of vomiting)... This has made it a difficult job for me. My anxiety is ok for the most part. However, when there is an illness around that involves vomiting, my anxiety sky rockets! For example, the Norwalk virus started going through my workplace about 3 wks ago, so now my anxiety is particularly bad. I try to not let it affect my job, I try to fulfill all my shifts. I am working through it.... But still considering a career change...

I am also emetophobic! I work retail. You may think id never come in contact with it at my work place but i do and it fills me with anxiety all the time. Parents bring sick children to the mall, and then expect everyone else to clean it when it happens. Its unsanitary for other customers and workers, and at least one person SLIPS IN IT every time. Whats worse, is when my co workers get sick and refuse to go home and then proceed to tell me all about it. Like they think my phobia is a big freaking joke that deserves no consideration. Ive been cured of panic for two years until now, and its all because of their lack of respect for me and my feelings. I now have to go back on my meds and see therapy. I hate them so much for bringing me back down.

01-17-2013, 01:04 AM
I am also emetophobic! I work retail. You may think id never come in contact with it at my work place but i do and it fills me with anxiety all the time. Parents bring sick children to the mall, and then expect everyone else to clean it when it happens. Its unsanitary for other customers and workers, and at least one person SLIPS IN IT every time. Whats worse, is when my co workers get sick and refuse to go home and then proceed to tell me all about it. Like they think my phobia is a big freaking joke that deserves no consideration. Ive been cured of panic for two years until now, and its all because of their lack of respect for me and my feelings. I now have to go back on my meds and see therapy. I hate them so much for bringing me back down.

I completely agree that working in retail would also be scary for someone with emetophobia! When I get home from any store, I always wash my hands. Especially the grocery store! Yuck! I am so paranoid! I know how you feel. I don't know what job I could do that would help me avoid it. I guess I'm just going to have to get over my fear... Hope you feel better soon :)