View Full Version : Hi!!

Donna renee
01-07-2013, 06:41 PM
So thankful for this forum! Everybody thinks I'm crazy and tells me to Just Calm Down.....Wish it were that simple.....Since November I have convinced myself I had a heart attack. After eating soup I got dizzy, nautious, headache, chest pressure and my legs felt like they weighed a 100 pounds each. MSG poisoning I thought....at first. But after hours of googling...I realized I had a heart attack! Or so I thought. For 2 months I have done nothing but worry that I'm about to die and leave my little girl without a mother. I have had chest pains, palpitations, and pain in both arms since my "attack". It has consumed my every thought...Holidays are a blur. I just wanted to stay in bed and worry.....Finally my Dr sent me to a cardiologist. 2 EKGs are normal....Had echo today with a stress test tomorrow. The guy that did my echo said my heart looked good to him...but I don't know if they know what to look for or not. I have always been a worry wart...but never like this. And when i go to the DR my blood pressure goes through the roof.! I can not calm myself down and they think I'm bout to have a stroke and won't let me leave till it comes down..which takes forever cause I'm so anxious that it won't! Any "calm yourself down" tips?? I fear my heart will explode during my stress test tomorrow!!:eek:

01-07-2013, 08:24 PM
Oh you sound just like me,i started with anxiety yrs ago and my main worry was feeling my heart beating fast all the time,i have had tests done on my heart all came back fine,i had a stress test done about 3 yrs ago but u should of seen me,i got there and they done ecg and my heart was goin fast but she took another reading when my heart went abit slower,then i had to be talked into havin the stress test done because i told them i felt really anxious,i went through with it but after it i had to lie down until my heart slowed down to a reasonable level,the letter i got back from cardiologist said everything normal apart from me being really anxious,i dont know really i think if u are nervous u cant help the way u are,just keep sayin to yourself if they was going to find amything it would of been found by now my heart is healthy,just go along with a positive mind,gd luck and let me know how you get on.😀

01-07-2013, 08:27 PM
Hun, you had a panic attack! Not a heart attack!!! Trust me! It happens to me a lot!!! Then your staying in the memory of it and freaking yourself out even more!!!! This is textbook. Your gonna be fine! Try deep breath thru your nose, hold for 4 seconds, then let out thru mouth. Repeat 4 or 5 times!!! I play a game to calm down too! Phone game that is! Angry birds and spades have helped me a lot. Then there is always Xanax. Talk to you dr about anxiety and what he thinks could help! I know there are a lot of herbal remedies but not real sure what ex actually . Hope this helps.. Your heart is fine, just keep telling yourself that! It is fine!!!

01-08-2013, 02:25 AM
Yes. Anxiety attack. You will be fine once you lnow how to control it and get used to the signs n symptoms of your anxiety. It will be a big help to have all tests done to give your mind relief so you are doing the right thing.