View Full Version : how?

01-07-2013, 03:56 PM
How do i calm my mind? My psychiatrist said i need to allow my thoughts to pass but not responding to it, should i respond, i am hanging on to my thoughts. Just like i am to my anxiety.

Example, i have to close my eyes, and remain calm. But if the birds starts chirping, my brain automatically goes, the birds, he said that by responding means im hanging on to my thoughts.

I need to just let the birds chirp and not think about it at all. How do i do that? I mean once you hear something, you would just automatically goes whatever that noise is.

01-07-2013, 05:24 PM
Yeah, if it was all that easy. Alankay

01-07-2013, 08:24 PM
Hi sapphire, I responded to a question you had one time about hormones affecting anxiety. I told you I would let you know what the naturopath said after my testing was done. Well, I wound up having too much estrogen and too little progesterone, she said this definitely causes anxiety - especially right before a period. The main thing that showed up was way too much candida, so I'm working on that first. In response to this question: OF COURSE you are going to respond or be distracted by what you hear (or see). The trick is to change your thinking and not have an anxious response. What has honestly helped me the most is CBT worksheets. There are some good links in the stickys on this page:)

01-07-2013, 09:35 PM
Did you ask him how ? I would have loved the response to that .

You need to calm your mind and the thoughts dont come .

You cant stop yourself thinking , what you are trying to do is stop the anxious thoughts coming .

I asked how, he said it was very challenging and i need to practice, all i need to do is let the thoughts run in my mind and not get distracted by anything.

He said my thoughts will come, but i must not respond. Its a form of meditiation.

I told him the same, i cant stop thinking, he said its not easy, it takes skills. I find this very interesting because Dr Claire Weekes did mention, you need to let it all pass. If i can meditiate at least once a day, im sure it would make a difference.

01-07-2013, 09:37 PM
Yeah, if it was all that easy. Alankay

Its not easy, i mean how? we will respond to anything. But he did say, meditiate will help with stress.

01-07-2013, 09:47 PM
Hi sapphire, I responded to a question you had one time about hormones affecting anxiety. I told you I would let you know what the naturopath said after my testing was done. Well, I wound up having too much estrogen and too little progesterone, she said this definitely causes anxiety - especially right before a period. The main thing that showed up was way too much candida, so I'm working on that first. In response to this question: OF COURSE you are going to respond or be distracted by what you hear (or see). The trick is to change your thinking and not have an anxious response. What has honestly helped me the most is CBT worksheets. There are some good links in the stickys on this page:)

Yeah, i heard about the low progestrone level. I still am anxious much during the period but i didnt do anything about it. My sis took pills all day different set of pills, and she said it gets really tiring. I didnt want to get stuck in the routine, so i will live with it lol.

My CBT has completed, im now at the manteinance part, i just want to learn more about anxiety, it makes me curious. Thank you for the update.

01-07-2013, 10:33 PM
You're welcome. I'm sorry I didn't realize you had already done CBT! After the naturopath told me all the things I needed to do and take for the low progesterone, I decided not to pursue it either - it sounded like it would produce more anxiety to keep up with it all! I am trying meditation too. I don't get time every day but when I do, I listen to binaural beats for stress and anxiety that I found on youtube. For whatever reason, it is very soothing and helps to calm my mind. Good luck to you!

01-08-2013, 03:25 AM
You're welcome. I'm sorry I didn't realize you had already done CBT! After the naturopath told me all the things I needed to do and take for the low progesterone, I decided not to pursue it either - it sounded like it would produce more anxiety to keep up with it all! I am trying meditation too. I don't get time every day but when I do, I listen to binaural beats for stress and anxiety that I found on youtube. For whatever reason, it is very soothing and helps to calm my mind. Good luck to you!

Its ok, im at a very different stage now from when i first joined here. This forum has helped me tons.

I got answers, directions from here. I just couldnt log in much now as its busy period for me atm. i must have missed some good threads.

Thank you.

01-08-2013, 04:12 PM
So why you not doing it ??

I swear by meditation . When i was at my worse i could not thinking bad thoughts all day . Within weeks of starting mediation it passed and it got to the stage i could simply shut my eyes and i would calm down .

Again the thoughts are not the problem , a stressed brain will do it but a unstressed brain will not . Your brain is just always stressed .

You ever watched a movie and see someone pacing in a hospital because they cant sit still because they are worried about a sick loved one . This is all this symptoms is . Its NORMAL. Once the problems settles then the brain returns to a normal state .

So again why you not do it ??

Because there is no way i can keep calm, my brains are working non stop. I live my life thinking about everything, if a doesnt go as planned, i always have back ups b and c. I need to know im safe. And now esp with a family i think even more, i think about everyone and everything. im lucky now i have a helper that helps clean the house and do the washing. I used to do everything on my own.

Or maybe, i just dont know how to. If i were to close my eyes, the only thing i'll be doing is picking up bits and pieces that needs my attn and running it through my brain so i wont mess up. I always seemed to have stuffs to think of.

I dont understand how one could meditiate and not get distracted? Even if i wasnt thinking of stuffs happening in my life, id be thinking of present noises or if im walking i'll be thinking about oh is there gonna be a snake on the pathway or is anyone gonna jump in front of me and i just seemed to want to know what id do. Its a little crazy i know, but i just cant help it.