View Full Version : I'm scared and looking for answers!

Cory Jürgen Wochnik
01-07-2013, 01:49 PM
Hey everyone,

Haven't posted on here in some time but I feel it's time to get back here. In the meantime my headaches have 98% gone away, my MRI came back perfect. Just some slight Sinusitis apparently. I got it without Contrast. I flew to Florida from Germany on December 14th for Holiday with my family. On the 22nd I was at dinner and got feverish, by bedtime that night my throat hurt pretty bad. The 23rd I woke up pretty much feeling like the full blown flu (101 fever, shakes, sore throat, ear pain, swollen lymphnodes, etc). on Monday I went to the ER with a 103+ fever and was admitted. At first they thought Meningitis due to me not being able to touch my neck to my chin. They proceeded to do blood work, a flu swab, a urine test, and a lumbar puncture. The doctor came back and said everything was fine and that it was just a ''Viral Syndrome''. By the 26th I was feeling for the most part better. Only had the ear discomfort and sore throat. I flew back on January 2nd to Germany and the sore throat has come back the past few days. This morning I was brushing my teeth and spit and there was a decent amount of blood in my saliva for a good twenty minutes, thinning out over the time. I thought maybe I brushed too hard? Checked my gums with a cotton swab and looked at them but couldn't see anything. I saw a doctor who checked my ears which said was fine, nose said was fine, and throat he said was inflamed a little and that the blood should be of no concern, but if it happened again to come back. As I was eating dinner tonight, I was eating bread.. I noticed I was bleeding again. Not as bad as earlier but noticeably. Checked the gums again and found nothing? I DO know that I do have sensitive gums and that they do bleed on occasion but never that much over that amount of time. So i'm pretty worried its something serious elsewhere in my body. My throat, stomach, or elsewhere. When I swallow it's almost as if theres an obstruction in my upper throat and I also noticed a few white bumps on the sides of my throat tonight.

Now I know most people on here aren't doctors but i'm not sure if it's my anxiety that's causing me to be really on edge about this or if it is nothing to be truly concerned about? Like other people on here I feel doctors do not take me serious once they see/know about my Anxiety/Hypochondria.

I'm not on medicine for my anxiety/hypochondria. They don't really give medicine where I live also. I feel if one thing is ''healed'' another ''breaks''. So i'm really starting to get into this daily routine of thinking ''What will I be dying from today?''. I don't like how I feel and I need help, because doing this alone is apparently not working. My girlfriend cares a lot for me and sleeps over almost every night and it frustrates her also because I sometimes get angry at her for only helping or caring because ''she doesn't understand''(Ive heard this is quite common with people who don't have anxiety).

So really in the end all i'm asking is should I be concerned about this blood and if some people could share me their tips for coping with this disaster.

FYI: My anxiety is 99% ONLY about Health related issues, as in I have no fear of crowds, or being in a car accident, but rather a cold or in this case... blood in saliva really scares the heck out of me!! I've been suffering since 16 and am now 21. I just want to be ''Normal'' again.

I thank EVERYONE in advance!

Cory Jürgen Wochnik
01-07-2013, 02:20 PM
So just an update: I just brushed my teeth for a good couple of minutes and made very sure to avoid my throat or anywhere near it and there was absolutely NO blood so that removes my gums from that equation pretty much.

01-07-2013, 02:49 PM
So just an update: I just brushed my teeth for a good couple of minutes and made very sure to avoid my throat or anywhere near it and there was absolutely NO blood so that removes my gums from that equation pretty much.

Maybe the tooth brush is bleeding, did you ever consider that? Jk. I have sensitive gums and every time I brush they bleed. Have you had a bloody nose recently?

Cory Jürgen Wochnik
01-07-2013, 02:55 PM
No nose bleeds lately. I saw an ear, nose, and throat doctor today and all he said was my throat was a bit inflamed and that my ears and nose looked just fine and that he saw no traces of blood. I'm HOPING its just from having a sore throat for two weeks and that the throat has become raw from the irritation because the second time it bled, was when I ate a crunchy bread. So thinking maybe it cut the throat open since it was so irritated? I'm TRYING to be as positive as can be, but somehow I keep coming back to thinking it's something severe.

01-07-2013, 03:23 PM
No nose bleeds lately. I saw an ear, nose, and throat doctor today and all he said was my throat was a bit inflamed and that my ears and nose looked just fine and that he saw no traces of blood. I'm HOPING its just from having a sore throat for two weeks and that the throat has become raw from the irritation because the second time it bled, was when I ate a crunchy bread. So thinking maybe it cut the throat open since it was so irritated? I'm TRYING to be as positive as can be, but somehow I keep coming back to thinking it's something severe.

I am a dental hygienist. May I ask when was the last time you went to the dentist for a cleaning?

Cory Jürgen Wochnik
01-08-2013, 03:02 AM
It's been quite a bit of time since my last cleaning. I have an appointment next Thursday for a Dentist.

01-08-2013, 03:34 AM
I am no dentist but this sounds like gingivitis to me from lack of flossing and dental care. You need to go to the dentist, and after he cleans all the plaque and tartar off you, floss twice daily everyday and start anew. This may be build up on your gums irritating them. The Dentist needs to clan it off.

01-08-2013, 08:47 PM
It's been quite a bit of time since my last cleaning. I have an appointment next Thursday for a Dentist.

It could be you just need a good cleaning. Just because they bleed does not mean its just gingivitis. If you have a lot of tarter build up under your gums you could need a deep cleaning to remove any under the gum. A regular cleaning won't work if there is to much stuff. Glad to hear your going to get it checked. You don't want to leave it because it could lead to periodontal disease. Sometimes an area will bleed when you brush it and then the next time that area won't bleed and its because once it bleeds it release all that blood and then it has to rebuild blood again.

01-09-2013, 07:15 AM
Do you still have your tonsils? Weird question, I know, but if you have a mild infection in your throat or in/on your tonsils that could explain the blood.

I have HUGE tonsils that should have come out when I was a teenager, but I didn't get the operation and now my doctor thinks I'm too old to get it done - I haven't had bad tonsillitis in years, so I'm cool with having the largest set of tonsils in Australia. Anyway, sometimes they get a bit irritated and it makes me spit blood. It's nothing to worry about if it isn't accompanied by a fever or other symptoms. Monitor it and see how you go.

01-09-2013, 07:30 AM
Do you still have your tonsils? Weird question, I know, but if you have a mild infection in your throat or in/on your tonsils that could explain the blood.

I have HUGE tonsils that should have come out when I was a teenager, but I didn't get the operation and now my doctor thinks I'm too old to get it done - I haven't had bad tonsillitis in years, so I'm cool with having the largest set of tonsils in Australia. Anyway, sometimes they get a bit irritated and it makes me spit blood. It's nothing to worry about if it isn't accompanied by a fever or other symptoms. Monitor it and see how you go.

Great chat-up line...

"Alright darlin', wanna see my MASSIVE.................. tonsils?"

01-09-2013, 07:57 AM
^^^ they got me where I am today. They're like DD cups of tonsils.

Cory Jürgen Wochnik
01-10-2013, 03:54 AM
I do still have my Tonsils. I have an appointment next wednesday I guess for an Endoscopy on my throat just to be safe.

As a side not, nice DD comment! :P