View Full Version : Aspartame and Anxiety connection?

05-17-2007, 06:20 AM
I am an avid diet coke (caffeine free) drinker.

Out of the blue this morning my husband was asking me if there may be a connection or something that "irritates" my anxiety with drinking diet soft drinks.

I got on-line and I could not believe what I found. I am new to researching anxiety, etc., but did any of you know this? BTW, I have mild GAD.

B/c I am a newbie I cannot post the link...but all I did was google or yahoo aspartame and anxiety.

05-17-2007, 07:03 AM
Oops - I had a bottle of Diet Cola today - not out of choice its the only drink work provided for us today - apart from that I not to drink soft drinks.

In the past even in my stable days if I drove to the pub I'd have 3 - 4 pints of Coke and end up with the shakes/stomach ache big time lol.