View Full Version : 6 mths of skip heart beats

01-07-2013, 11:57 AM
I am so tired of everyday for the last 6 mths having these skipped heart beats. I don't know how much longer I can go through this. I don't have a panic attack with them because I have learned not to panic with them but I sure do get nervous and scared still! I can feel the aderelinen flowing with each skipped beat. I just want them to stop!

01-07-2013, 12:27 PM
Have you tried beta blockers?

01-07-2013, 12:31 PM
Have you tried beta blockers?

Yea I am on adtenolol now. Been on it for months and it does not stop them at all:(

01-07-2013, 12:46 PM
I have them also, quite frequently, but they are anxiety these are my worst symptom!
Do yours only happen when your pulse is fast, or just any time?

01-07-2013, 02:24 PM
I am so tired of everyday for the last 6 mths having these skipped heart beats. I don't know how much longer I can go through this. I don't have a panic attack with them because I have learned not to panic with them but I sure do get nervous and scared still! I can feel the aderelinen flowing with each skipped beat. I just want them to stop!

Ugh I went a week without it n yesterday I felt it 3 times :( I hate them wish they can go away

01-07-2013, 03:25 PM
I have them also, quite frequently, but they are anxiety these are my worst symptom!
Do yours only happen when your pulse is fast, or just any time?

Anytime. But mostly when I am doing nothing, like sitting on the couch or laying in bed. If I get up and do something there not as constant. It's everyday almost all day long:(

01-07-2013, 03:26 PM
Ugh I went a week without it n yesterday I felt it 3 times :( I hate them wish they can go away

3 times would be a blessing to me. Mine get going every other beat for hours:((

01-07-2013, 03:51 PM
3 times would be a blessing to me. Mine get going every other beat for hours:((

I wake up in fear everyday :/

01-07-2013, 03:54 PM
These are one of my main symptoms too I hate them soo much x

01-07-2013, 04:16 PM
Such a frustrating symptom. I feel for ya. I get them at least a few times a week and just that drives me nuts.

01-07-2013, 04:34 PM
It's just hard to live you day am try and work and take care of a baby with skip beats everyday. I am just tired. It wears you out.

01-07-2013, 04:46 PM
It's just hard to live you day am try and work and take care of a baby with skip beats everyday. I am just tired. It wears you out.

Yea I have 2 I feel you :/

01-07-2013, 08:44 PM
Have you done a single thing I recommended you to do?

01-08-2013, 08:55 PM
Have you done a single thing I recommended you to do?

Yep! So far it has not helped. I still have to do my B12 shots The doctors feels the skipped beats had more to do with my pre menopause and hormone patch not a vit deficiency.

01-08-2013, 09:28 PM
I feel you...I've had skips for a couple of years. Managed to get a couple on tape. Had all kinds of test done...seen a ep (heart doc that works on arythmia)..clean bill of health. The ep told me that 70% of the population get them..most just dont feel them. The recommendation to me was to; drink plenty of water, eat right, exercise, no caffeine....has helped me a great bit. I still get them but no where like i was. Anxiety can cause and does make them a LOT worse so try and relax. Beta blockers are not a cure. They simply make them a little less noticeable. If tgwy don't seem to be helping maybe talk to ur doc about trying a different brand.

01-09-2013, 09:39 AM
Are they present when you first wake up? (like within the first few minutes of wake up)

During my worst period of panic - I'd get palps regularly. 99% of the time when I'm sat thinking / worrying (like yourself) and worst at night as I lay in bed.

However, I found a very calm and pleasant place where I knew there would be NO symptoms or anxiety, and that place was within the first few minutes of waking up.

I can only conclude that I'd be calm from the sleep and that while my brain was still half asleep (stirring) I would not be worrying... and this was such a nice feeling.
A time of sanctuary & freedom if you like - if only for several minutes per day.

I would NEVER get a palp during stirring. I was just SO comfortable and chilled out.

Wondering if you feel the same?

Check it out next time you wake and let me know...

01-09-2013, 10:10 AM
Are they present when you first wake up? (like within the first few minutes of wake up)

During my worst period of panic - I'd get palps regularly. 99% of the time when I'm sat thinking / worrying (like yourself) and worst at night as I lay in bed.

However, I found a very calm and pleasant place where I knew there would be NO symptoms or anxiety, and that place was within the first few minutes of waking up.

I can only conclude that I'd be calm from the sleep and that while my brain was still half asleep (stirring) I would not be worrying... and this was such a nice feeling.
A time of sanctuary & freedom if you like - if only for several minutes per day.

I would NEVER get a palp during stirring. I was just SO comfortable and chilled out.

Wondering if you feel the same?

Check it out next time you wake and let me know...

Yes. Sometimes they wake me up at night. And sometimes when I wake in the morning they are there. Other times I can wake up and feel fine go to the bathroom and before I lay back down they start up again. Other time I can wake up and not have them at all. Then they hit me a few hours later. They are just all over the place. I woke up with them this morning and went to bed with them last night. And that was like every 2-3 beats. Now I am only having them like 1 every 30 beats or so. It seems to be more of a problem when I start the monthly thing that is being put on me more than 1 time a month now due to this hormone patch. But I did have them before I ever started the patch. Just seems to of picked up more each time I start:( it's hard to pin point what could be causing this. I have tried so much with no luck. Gone off and on meds and patches. Trial and error. But I won't give up. Lol.