View Full Version : Hello ive just started mitazapine!

01-07-2013, 11:54 AM
I started taking them on Saturday night 15mg at 11 at night and I haven't barely woken up since! They've knocked me out and when I am awake I feel really tired and body feels weak and numb.. Is this normal?

01-07-2013, 12:15 PM
Did your symptoms go away?

01-07-2013, 02:07 PM
I dunno really, I still feel anxious about my physical health but have been asleep basically constantly since taking them so can't really say? Is that normal to be this sleepy with them?

01-07-2013, 02:40 PM
I dunno really, I still feel anxious about my physical health but have been asleep basically constantly since taking them so can't really say? Is that normal to be this sleepy with them?

I can't say never heard of that medicine

01-08-2013, 10:46 AM
When I took Mirtazipine, it made me feel like I'd been shot with Rhino tranquilizers. I just sat drooling and sleeping lol...

That lasted for about 3 weeks, then it started to wear off... which ironically is when they usually raise the dose, and I went through it all over again!

Hands down the most effective anti-depressant I have ever tried though. I've seen it perform miracles in peoples lives. However, as with everything, it isn't for everybody.