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01-07-2013, 10:50 AM
So I have a dr appointment for my baby and I'm soo scared to go :( I'm suppost to feel safe at the doctors right? Well I don't my stomach is already hurting and I'm already panicing about it :( I need to talk to my doctor but :( I'm so scared to go what do I do?

01-07-2013, 11:12 AM
So I have a dr appointment for my baby and I'm soo scared to go :( I'm suppost to feel safe at the doctors right? Well I don't my stomach is already hurting and I'm already panicing about it :( I need to talk to my doctor but :( I'm so scared to go what do I do?

What are you scared of? Face your fears! I know it's easier said than done. But if you accomplish something like going to the Dr. That's taking a step forward in the right direction. Be strong do it for your baby. FUCK anxiety/depression I hate it! but we need to stay strong for our kids. Keep us posted. We are here for you your not alone.

01-07-2013, 11:17 AM
What are you scared of? Face your fears! I know it's easier said than done. But if you accomplish something like going to the Dr. That's taking a step forward in the right direction. Be strong do it for your baby. FUCK anxiety/depression I hate it! but we need to stay strong for our kids. Keep us posted. We are here for you your not alone.

But what if I can't face them what if I get there and panic :( my world is ruined this has ruined my life! I can't even go to the doctors without freaking out I don't know what to do anymore I'm litterally in tears everyday

01-07-2013, 11:53 AM
As long as you keep saying that to yourself you are putting yourself in a state of panic before you even go. You have to make yourself go. If you panic there then its the best place to panic:) but I bet you won't because you will not want to panic and you won't. Then after you go you will feel so much better and realize that you did it! But as long as you avoid your fear you won't get past them.