View Full Version : Drama causes my anxiety

01-07-2013, 05:02 AM
I have been with my gf for a year now. We are doing things the moral traditional Christian way. As in ask her parents blessing to propose etc. her dad I get along with just fine. Her sister is the worst. She's jealous, rude, and not accepting of me, chews me out for the stupidest reasons. I'm in a wheelchair and sometimes my disability makes me late to outings sometimes. Twice in a year to be exact. Instead of understanding her sister chews me out and causes a scene. Btw sister is 35 divorced twice and 8 year old daughter. Sometimes No reason just because. My gf's dad has even told my gf that he has noticed and agrees that the sister is being immature. Her mom has recently started to gang up on me with my gf's sister taking her side. Leaving my gf is not an option. How do I deal with mom and sister in which they insist we visit every Sunday. I always dread Sunday and feel clammy and sweaty and nervous and just wanna put my head down and not say anything. I'm really scared I'm gonna slip and speak what's on my mind. Not nice things. My gf really cares about her family's opinion of me so I can't be having them hate me. How do I handle Sundays? And how do I handle the day to day of knowing I am needless to say not a fan of mom and sister when I see my gf everyday and her family weekly? Please help! Once again breaking up is NOT an option.

01-07-2013, 07:17 AM
I don't think breaking up should be an option because your girlfriend isn't the problem.

I also think that it isn't really your place, or your responsibility to talk to her mum and her sister about it - I think your partner needs to talk to them. It sounds like Dad is in your camp, so you aren't exaggerating the situation.

Firstly, I would talk to your girlfriend. She obviously knows how important family is to you and your relationship with her. You also need to ask her to have a chat with her mum and sister about the way they are treating you. I don't know what causes situations like this, but I am in a similar one... Probably the end product of how you are feeling if it isn't addressed in a timely manner.

My whole family refuses to talk to my partner. We'll never be able to get married because my Dad won't walk me down the aisle to meet him. Like your girlfriend, this puts me in a horrible position of being in between two camps that I love, but that don't get along. Trust me. It's better to address it rather ASAP than let it slide like I did with my partner...

01-07-2013, 08:16 AM
I think she's jealous of the relationship or over protective but who can tell. Tell the Sister she needs to get a hold of her OWN problems and/or you truly feel sorry for her as she is obviously taking out her frustrations on you as you have never said or done anything to deserve her rudeness.............with all due respect. I hope your gal backs you on all this. Alankay

01-07-2013, 03:01 PM
This has been an issue for a year and I've just dealt with it. My gf keeps saying she will talk to them but chickens out or whatever. She has yet to. So I think I need to just learn to accept things how they are. Any advice how I can do that? Any not have anxiety symptoms when we are around her family?