View Full Version : Having an attack right now

01-07-2013, 04:27 AM
I've just had to go & sit downstairs at work because I'm having a panic attack. They want me to hurry back which isn't making me feel any better because I feel rushed. I feel like I'm going to faint & I can't breathe properly & I cannot stop clenching my jaw. I just need someone to talk to, to help me calm down.

01-07-2013, 04:38 AM
Just take a deep breath in, then exhale. Close your eyes. Picture yourself laying on a warm beach in front of warm calm blue water. Continue to monitor your breathing.....breath in, and exhale. You are going to be fine....just keep doing this to calm your breathing to a steady pace. Write back if you need to.

01-07-2013, 04:41 AM
I hope you made it ok.

If this kind of thing happens at work, I tell people that I am having a dizzy spell and need a bit of time out. Mostly I have been able to control it at work, but sometimes it gets to be too much.

Why don't you have a good drink of water, eat some thing to eat, some controlled breathing and re evaluate in a half hour or so. Also address what may have caused it. Biological? Circumstantial? Did something happen to trigger it off!?

I really hope you're ok, girl. We have all been there and we are all still here.

01-07-2013, 04:42 AM
I've been trying to monitor my breathing, but there are so many symptoms that are hard to ignore whilst I'm focusing on breathing.

I've been forcing myself to stay in work for the past couple of weeks & today I don't feel strong enough to stay here, even though they need me.

01-07-2013, 04:44 AM
Nothing triggers my attacks. I've been fine this weekend. Had to use my rescue remedy a few times, but nothing I couldn't handle.
I was just on a phone call in work & I had to ask them to call back & leave the office.

01-07-2013, 04:50 AM
Uggghhh... the memories of work attacks.

Happened to me a dozen or so times during my worst period, early last year.

Nothing particularly unusual triggered it... I was simply going through a very rough period where I'd only had the disorder for 2 or 3 months.

Mostly just sitting at my desk and then felt scared for no obvious reason... body & mind filling with fear. Random pains ensued - chest / neck / back / arms... you name it.
Swore I was about to die.

Heart going ape-shit. Wobbling all over the place.

Got diagnosed and told work. They understood.
I was allowed to leave if I had to (which I did on several occasions)

Took a good 4 to 6 months to get over the worst.

It's stress triggered. Stress that is normally manageable ISN'T easily manageable with anxiety disorder.

01-07-2013, 04:52 AM
This has been happening for over the past 4 years now though so work expect me to be able to deal with it better. I'm still no better at managing it. My hands feel like they're not attached to my body.

01-07-2013, 04:54 AM
Nothing triggers my attacks. I've been fine this weekend. Had to use my rescue remedy a few times, but nothing I couldn't handle.
I was just on a phone call in work & I had to ask them to call back & leave the office.

As odd as it sounds... make no mistake, a simple PHONE CALL can trigger an attack.

Absolutely understandable as it's happened to me a few times.

You'll be ok hon, but I'm affraid there's little you can do for now except take a med. and hope for it to go.

Been there / done it... << hugs >>

01-07-2013, 04:55 AM

01-07-2013, 04:56 AM
I've already taken my medication today & used rescue remedy a billion times. I don't have diazepam or anything like that.
I've tried to ward it off by reading & looking for a new apartment etc. But, it just won't stay away. :(

01-07-2013, 04:56 AM
Can you ring a partner / family?

Hearing a calming voice helped big time.

01-07-2013, 05:00 AM
I called my mum but she just kind of shouts & says "I don't know what you expect me to say". My friends are all at work.

A supervisor wants me to go back to work already now & I'm not ready. I feel like I could cry.

01-07-2013, 05:09 AM
Don't rush yourself back into your office, it won't help. You just have to wait for the feeling to pass. How's your breathing going? You really will be fine. Dazza's right, something as simple as a phone call can set it off. Honestly, as far as your mom, sometimes people with anxiety don't know what to say to help the situation. Just keep breathing, and if you feel comfortable, tell the boss that you are having a panic attack and just need a few moments to collect yourself.

01-07-2013, 05:12 AM
I've asked to take my lunch early so I have an hour to gather myself so I don't have to go home. It can take me hours to come down after an attack.

My mum used to have panic attacks herself, so she should know what I'm going through, she has just seemed to have lost all patience with me.

I am wanting to transfer to a different branch at my job, so going home is not an option. I have had 36 days off in the past year :/

01-07-2013, 05:23 AM
I've asked to take my lunch early so I have an hour to gather myself so I don't have to go home. It can take me hours to come down after an attack.

My mum used to have panic attacks herself, so she should know what I'm going through, she has just seemed to have lost all patience with me.

I am wanting to transfer to a different branch at my job, so going home is not an option. I have had 36 days off in the past year :/

LOL... (sorry, shouldn't laugh) but I know exactly what/how you're feeling right now. Having been through it... I'm allowed to laugh :-P

Mums and Dads do lose patience I'm affraid - that's what they do!

01-07-2013, 05:29 AM
It's just shit that it's still happening after so long. Would you advise me to ask my doctor for some diazepam to help me through the worst at work? Or is that a bad idea?

It's good that you can laugh about it now. I had 4 months with no anxiety or attacks & then it just came flooding back a couple of months ago. I just hope I can get to a point where it goes away again.

01-07-2013, 05:49 AM
It's just shit that it's still happening after so long. Would you advise me to ask my doctor for some diazepam to help me through the worst at work? Or is that a bad idea?

It's good that you can laugh about it now. I had 4 months with no anxiety or attacks & then it just came flooding back a couple of months ago. I just hope I can get to a point where it goes away again.

Yeppppp - it's shit alright. I've had it for just over a year and am pretty much back to normal, but it still catches me out occasionally during particularly stressy times.

Diazepam is what I used when needed and I recommend it, especially for work (I still have some in my drawer... just in case)
It can make you sleepy, however... so it can impede your performance at work a little, but at least it'll help keep you there.

Try it and see if it works for you hon.

Can I ask - is there anything fundamental in your life that's bothering you? (e.g. relationships / work / money / home life / social life / self image)?

01-07-2013, 06:00 AM
Good that you're pretty much back to normal. I wish I was.

I've always been a bit weary of drugs like that, as I've heard they can make you tired etc, which isn't something I need at work.

Regarding whether things are bothering me, my answer is "not really"
My anxiety seems to be because of panic attacks. I imagine so anyway. I had my first attack out of the blue at work. Since then, it has come & go. It's with me more often than it isn't.
In July, myself & my boyfriend broke up, I had to move out of our flat & into a place with people that I don't really know or get along with. This time was the 4 months that I was anxiety & panic attack free.

At the moment I've been on a few dates with a lad, but we're not rushing into anything & I'm fine with that. I see my friends as often as I can & my job isn't particularly stressful. I have holidays & things to look forward to.

I did suffer badly with BDD for around 7/8 years, but my symptoms of that have been very mild for the past few years & I have let a few people see me without makeup.

18months ago I was signed off work for 6 weeks with depression whilst I had to stop my family from being evicted from our house (my dad didn't pay the mortgage for 10months so I had to buy the house from him to pay off the £65k of debt). Again, I was rarely having anxiety attacks at that point.

I cannot think of a reason that my anxiety would happen now, which makes it all the more frustrating.

01-07-2013, 06:07 AM
Have you tried exercising at all? I had my first ever panic attack this morning (suffered with anxiety for a while luckily I knew what to do from other peoples stories) and I find that it removes the stress and helps you relax. trust me it's natures drug :)

01-07-2013, 06:10 AM
I tend to do about 45mins walking every lunch time.
When I used to work out every day, I would still have my attacks & anxiety on a daily basis. I've not really found anything that works for me so far.

My friend is picking me up some Dr Bachs Aspen on his lunch break, so I'm going to try that too.

01-07-2013, 06:19 AM
Oh I'm sorry that doesn't help you :( that's unfortunate. I hope you some success with that I'm sure you'll be fine soon :)

01-07-2013, 06:20 AM
Good that you're pretty much back to normal. I wish I was.

I've always been a bit weary of drugs like that, as I've heard they can make you tired etc, which isn't something I need at work.

Regarding whether things are bothering me, my answer is "not really"
My anxiety seems to be because of panic attacks. I imagine so anyway. I had my first attack out of the blue at work. Since then, it has come & go. It's with me more often than it isn't.
In July, myself & my boyfriend broke up, I had to move out of our flat & into a place with people that I don't really know or get along with. This time was the 4 months that I was anxiety & panic attack free.

At the moment I've been on a few dates with a lad, but we're not rushing into anything & I'm fine with that. I see my friends as often as I can & my job isn't particularly stressful. I have holidays & things to look forward to.

I did suffer badly with BDD for around 7/8 years, but my symptoms of that have been very mild for the past few years & I have let a few people see me without makeup.

18months ago I was signed off work for 6 weeks with depression whilst I had to stop my family from being evicted from our house (my dad didn't pay the mortgage for 10months so I had to buy the house from him to pay off the £65k of debt). Again, I was rarely having anxiety attacks at that point.

I cannot think of a reason that my anxiety would happen now, which makes it all the more frustrating.

I was completely against drugs... UNTIL this shit hit me. I would have taken ANYTHING to get rid of the panic attacks to be honest.
The mind and body spirals out of control. I NEEDED medical support - no question.

Only the very few can control anxiety / panic disorder themselves. Most NEED medication.
If nothing else it just helps you along during the worst periods. It shouldn't be relied upon too regularly.

Sounds like you have a generalised disorder. Mine started from a what I thought was a heart attack - which threw me into a world of anxiety and panic.

Naughty Daddy not paying his mortgage!!!

01-07-2013, 07:04 AM
Even though you say you have had some episodes of being panic free, there have been some pretty major things going on in your life; break ups, new beginnings, mortgage stress, and the ongoing fear of the anxiety getting worse. No wonder you're having problems!

I would strongly recommend seeing a doctor about getting some medication to supplement your antidepressant. I take Valium and it is like magic. Wham. 20 minutes later and my body and brain slow down to a speed I can manage.

It *is* highly addictive, but I was in the same position as you - I was the only income earner, had a mortgage to pay and I HAD to work. I was taking it daily for an extended period (at the recommended dose), but because I took it for over 3 months I am at a great risk of rebound anxiety now I'm weaning off of it. Your body gets used to it. As long as you only take it in moments of panic crisis, you should be fine. It's a highly effective drug when used correctly.

My Doctor and I had to make the decision to stay on for longer than recommended because of the frequency and impact of the anxiety attacks I was having. I have also been working with a psychologist during this time to find some non medication tips and tricks that work for me, but it's hard. No matter what I try, I just freak out and can't think straight, let alone use coping strategies when I start having a really bad attack.

I hope you're feeling a bit better by now - I know the panic hangover feeling all too well; the utter exhaustion, the fear of when will it happen again!? Be strong and don't let the panic win!! Say 'f*ck you, anxiety!' Because you haven't let it beat you yet and you're not about to!

01-07-2013, 07:29 AM
Yeppppp - it's shit alright. I've had it for just over a year and am pretty much back to normal, but it still catches me out occasionally during particularly stressy times.

Diazepam is what I used when needed and I recommend it, especially for work (I still have some in my drawer... just in case)
It can make you sleepy, however... so it can impede your performance at work a little, but at least it'll help keep you there.

Try it and see if it works for you hon.

Can I ask - is there anything fundamental in your life that's bothering you? (e.g. relationships / work / money / home life / social life / self image)?

Is diazapam like generic xanax? If so, I keep a little with me in my purse if I have a panic attack that catches me off guard. I only take 1/2 of the pill. It's enough to just take the edge off- gosh that sounds like a drug addict.....lol, but it works.......

01-07-2013, 08:05 AM
İ have been taking Xanax for the past 3 months alongside my anti depressant lustral 100mg. Since taking Xanax I believe I have reduced my panic attacks ... Diazepam did not work for me

01-07-2013, 08:07 AM
I hope u feel a bit better now temperance ... Hugsdsssssss :)

01-07-2013, 08:19 AM
I am now on my way home :( the panic attack ended, but it has completely destroyed me for the rest of the day. Still, I'm disappointed in myself that I couldn't force myself to stay in until 5pm.

How much Xanax do you need to take? Is it something that you take every day, or just when you need it?

My doctor has put me forward for CBT, but I know the waiting list is months & months long.

Thank you for all of your replies, it's good to get advise & speak to people who genuinely understand what it's like.

01-07-2013, 09:07 AM
Is diazapam like generic xanax? If so, I keep a little with me in my purse if I have a panic attack that catches me off guard. I only take 1/2 of the pill. It's enough to just take the edge off- gosh that sounds like a drug addict.....lol, but it works.......

Xanax is mildly similar to diazepam, although diazepam is the same as the popular "valium". They are all Benzo's.

Yeah, I'd take half a pill first to see if that worked. If it didn't, I'd take the other half.
Pain in the arse carrying around half pills!

Most I took in one day was 1.5 pills. This was a VERY bad day!

01-07-2013, 09:11 AM
I am now on my way home :( the panic attack ended, but it has completely destroyed me for the rest of the day. Still, I'm disappointed in myself that I couldn't force myself to stay in until 5pm.

How much Xanax do you need to take? Is it something that you take every day, or just when you need it?

My doctor has put me forward for CBT, but I know the waiting list is months & months long.

Thank you for all of your replies, it's good to get advise & speak to people who genuinely understand what it's like.

CBT is an absolute MUST.
Fast acting calmers, such as valium, are also a must when you're at your worst.

Both the above are the two most common and helpful tools for anxiety / panic disorder.
You should get yourself on these as SOON as you can after your diagnosis.

I'm guessing you've not done either - and that's perhaps why, 4 years later, you still suffer!

01-07-2013, 09:19 AM
I am now on my way home :( the panic attack ended, but it has completely destroyed me for the rest of the day. Still, I'm disappointed in myself that I couldn't force myself to stay in until 5pm.

How much Xanax do you need to take? Is it something that you take every day, or just when you need it?

My doctor has put me forward for CBT, but I know the waiting list is months & months long.

Thank you for all of your replies, it's good to get advise & speak to people who genuinely understand what it's like.

I only take half of a .25 mg pill of xanax as needed, which really isn't all that often. It's enough just to take the edge off. It still allows me to function while in public.

01-07-2013, 09:22 AM
I was on the waiting list for CBT until the period that I was having no attacks. So they then retracted that.
They have also never offered me diazepam etc.

At the moment I have calmed down slightly and am currently drinking some water with Aspen flower extract in it.

01-07-2013, 09:45 AM
I was on the waiting list for CBT until the period that I was having no attacks. So they then retracted that.
They have also never offered me diazepam etc.

At the moment I have calmed down slightly and am currently drinking some water with Aspen flower extract in it.

Bachs rescue remedy does bugger all for the underlying condition.

It's good for low levels of anxiety and for those on the mend, but strong meds. are required for strong attacks.

Same goes for breathing exercises and other, similar natural methods - they're practically useless for a person in full blown panic.

There is a lot of power + energy in your mind & system when it's freaking out during an attack.
When you consider that this is your fight or flight mechanism in action, essentially simulating a real life death threat - breathing into a paper bag is hardly gonna cut it, is it? LOL

01-07-2013, 10:25 AM
I think the rescue remedy is more of a comfort thing for me now. I have the anxiety symptoms all the time & that, plus the Aspen seems to help me cope better with the symptoms.
I know it's not a cure. I'm still waiting to see if this new medication (Sertraline) works. I want to give it a few weeks.

01-07-2013, 12:01 PM
That's what I'm taking...although I am just taking a very small amount....I also take Buspar. It's helped me tremendously. Those do increase your anxiety at first though, I'm surprised that your doc didn't offer you a benzo to help you during the first few weeks of starting your med. Id ask for it.

01-07-2013, 12:07 PM
That's what I'm taking...although I am just taking a very small amount....I also take Buspar. It's helped me tremendously. Those do increase your anxiety at first though, I'm surprised that your doc didn't offer you a benzo to help you during the first few weeks of starting your med. Id ask for it.

Did buspar increase your anxiety at first? How is it now and how long have you been on it? I was given it to but made me very hyper for hours and then an extreme low and very very tired feeling. I did not like the hyper feeling at all. I could not get relaxed.

01-07-2013, 12:22 PM
I think I might ask for some. I'm needing a doctors appointment tomorrow anyway. I have only been on this medication for just around a week.

01-07-2013, 04:47 PM
Did buspar increase your anxiety at first? How is it now and how long have you been on it? I was given it to but made me very hyper for hours and then an extreme low and very very tired feeling. I did not like the hyper feeling at all. I could not get relaxed.

It did increase my anxiety at first, but I started out VERY slow, and damped my way up to 30 mg a day of Buspar. I didn't get the tired feeling along with it though, nor a super hyper feeling.

01-07-2013, 04:50 PM
It did increase my anxiety at first, but I started out VERY slow, and damped my way up to 30 mg a day of Buspar. I didn't get the tired feeling along with it though, nor a super hyper feeling.

Figures, just my luck. Lol. I always have some strange side effects with med.

01-07-2013, 05:23 PM
Figures, just my luck. Lol. I always have some strange side effects with med.

Well, we all have different reactions to meds...two doses of Lexapro ended up with me in the ER with an allergic reaction....but I hear people who rave about how great it is...just didn't work for me, I guess.