View Full Version : I might have anxiety problem. What shall I do?

01-07-2013, 01:58 AM
My symptoms (24/7):
Chronic Fatigue, Muscle twitching, Neck, back, shoulder pain, tightness/stiffness (whole body), No energy, feeling lethargic, tired, Persistent muscle tension, stiffness, shaking, Weak legs, arms, or muscles, headache (mild), heart beat is slightly faster and harder, total lack of concentration ability.

It is probably some kind of anxiety. I love to destroy stress toys. Though it could also be because it kind of feels bad to not move so doing something to stress toys makes some muscles feel less sore. I also like destruction.

Anxiety doesn't normally have any target. A video revealed that when I was laying in bed half-asleep and not even noticing the symptoms, my body was twitching randomly a little bit. When I "woke up", my body felt tired (like always). I don't have to think anything to feel this way. My thoughts are not usually concentrated on anything.

Before I got this problem, I used to be slightly anxious of certain things like, keeping a speech that I didn't really prepare properly for to a large live audience. Before the speech, it was hard to think about anything but it. That was pretty normal. However, these days, I feel super anxious about things like that. I don't normally think about this anxiety problem but when I do those things, my reaction is usually "oh come on...". I feel so anxious about them that it feels ridiculous.

Then I got a very mild dog phobia, always had it. It doesn't really matter at all, it goes away after a few seconds.

So, 24/7 no target anxiety, greatly increased normal targeted anxieties and phobia feel all very different. I believe that this 24/7 anxiety increases the normal anxiety cases greatly but has no effect on phobia.

Treatments I tried:

*Blood tests. I don't know what they did but they didn't find anything

*Weird "relaxing" poses. They make my body hurt. Laying on my back is probably the best for me as it still allows free twitching. Doesn't help at all.

*Hitting myself little bit on my leg. The slight pain masks the annoying feeling in my leg. Unfortunately the pain caused by the hit doesn't feel nice either and it doesn't exactly sound safe for a permanent solution :)

*Medicine. I can't remember what the doctor told me to take but the only effect it had was it dried my mouth. I guess I could try other medicine but it seems pointless if it doesn't fix the problem. I'm looking for a permanent solution.

*Thinking about fun things. I actually do this all the time and it has no effect. I only think about "bad" (non fun) stuff when I'm trying to do something about them (or if something is so bad I just have to think about it. Like if someone shoots me or something. That would actually be kind of interesting, as long as I would survive).


I'm still young, not even 25. Male. Symptoms started at around 15 and slowly got a lot worse. Nothing special happened during that time. Happiest days of my life. Nothing changed.

I probably forgot to mention something but anyway. Any ideas what to do? Keep wasting my time and money on doctors and therapy where the therapist is totally clueless about everything?

01-14-2013, 07:26 AM
Bumping back to first page.