View Full Version : Fear of taking the meds

01-06-2013, 11:32 PM
Lets try this aGain, they seem to never post. But I'm suffering big time these last couple weeks. It started xmas eve and has been consistently present since then. There was no particular incident to trigger it I don't know what happened.

I'm 34 and these have been coming around for some time now but just rarely and randomly. I did use to smoke marijuana and that's when it all started so I quit. It's been years. Anyways back to the current stuff. I've tried everything but my days and nights are full of fear of this coming back strong like onChristmas. Ever since then my days and night s are full of racing thoughts, rapid heart beats, fear, trouble breathing ect... It's exhausting. I try to cover it because I don't want my kids to worry and my boyfriend seems to think its controllable and really acts like a jerk about it like I'm being just dramatic. No one understands... I feel so alone

I went to the dr today he did a EKG and everything else and I'm fine. I've been havin the pains in the let side of my chest so I've been scared and he reassured me (kinda) that it from stress and anxiety and prescribed me .25 mg of Xan.... I'm sooooo scared to take it. The side effects.... What about suicidal thoughts?? Ain't nobody got time for that! Oh my gosh my life back to being normal is one pill away and my anxiety has me to scared to take it :( I'm scared I'm going to have a crazy panic attack as soon as I take it... Sigh