View Full Version : A mindset

01-06-2013, 10:12 PM
So if you have a mind set of "I want to have an attack/ I don't care if I have an attack" is that good because you will push yourself? I know this is a stupid question but...

01-07-2013, 12:31 PM
That's not stupid at all, in fact you've really hit on part of the road to recovery. One of the first steps is to get over the fear of fear, and by not caring if you have an attack you are well on your way to not having them anymore.

Just keep that mindset when you get anxious and when you feel an attack coming, just go into it with an " I'm going to have a panic attack, so what?" attitude and eventually when the panic and anxiety realizes it can't get to you it will stop trying, in reality anxiety is nothing more than a self contained, self inflicted bully.