View Full Version : eye flashes and an anxiety update

01-06-2013, 08:42 PM
I'm back again with some good news and more questions

So for a while I've had little eye flashies in my right eye (bad eye I can't really see out of it anyway) sometimes it's during the day sometimes at night sometimes they are little and blue sometimes they are black and white. However I went to the eye doctor on November 28th 2012 and he said everything was fine I just needed new glasses so my questions are

1. could something have happened in a month and 6 days?

2. is it serious?

3. could it be the lighting (one light in my room while being on the computer at night)

4. could it be my glasses reflecting off stuff? (because I can see my eye sometimes in the right amount of light my eye reflects from the inside of the glasses)

5. Could it be a combination of 3 & 4 &6

6. Could it be due to dry eye/the cold weather and hot wood stove?

I really don't want to have to go back to my eye doctor since it would be a whole day (8 hours) trip (2 hours there 2 back and all the waiting)

On a happier update I've been writing down when I have anxiety's and while I only have 6 days down I'm making progress I think I'm writing down the date, my mood, and what time it happens I've actually gone two days with out any symptoms so so far so good I'll update again maybe a few weeks or months down the line if I have any new news

01-06-2013, 09:39 PM
My eyes have been 10 times worse since this anxiety has been going on and I worry about it I have really bad sensitivity to light I see floaters all the time blurry vision black spots and white spots on my eyes its really weird :/ so just a guess it could be just one of those anxiety things exspecially since u been to the eye doctor but its good that u found something that helps your anxiety! Writing does wonders I know that :)