View Full Version : Im new to this but will persevere

01-06-2013, 06:48 PM
Hello folks. Been through a difficult time but would like the chance to help anyone who thinks i might be able to. Also i would like the chance to learn from other people. I am on beta blockers 3 times a day, but am far more functional than i have been when at my worst. I sincerely believe there is a way out from suffering anxiety, but it doesnt necessarily mean that the anxiety has to go completely. There may be some advantages as it can sharpen the senses. Anyway, please drop by and say hi.

01-06-2013, 07:52 PM
Hi & welcome!!

01-09-2013, 11:28 AM
Hello! I like your positive perspective and that you're able to set a realistic expectation: to manage your anxiety rather than being anxiety free.

01-09-2013, 01:03 PM
Hello and welcome, I have found that this forum can help sometimes.

01-09-2013, 02:50 PM

When I first had my breakdown, I was in quite a state, but had the idea of literally googling "im suffering from anxiety and depression and what should i do about it" It turned out to be the first step on the road to my recovery. Immediately I listed the names of everyone I know. Then I listed in all the phone numbers that I knew, and then all the addresses. I bit the bullet and started asking people if i could pop in for a cup of tea. As one of my issues was intense loneliness I systematically began to reach out, and gradually more and more people were prepared to share their time with me. One of these was a work colleague who had a boat on the Thames, and so I had company every Saturday or Sunday for over a year. On top of this I joined a Mental Health recovery group, where I met the lady who is now my wife. Im not without my issues but life has new purpose for me, and even played in my band at my own wedding in front of over 100 people. When i was at my lowest, my pain felt endless, but now i have periods of feeling fine. I hope this story is inspirational to someone. Please feel free to share your thoughts and ask any questions or make any criticisms you might have. Thank you for taking the time to read this and if it has been of any use to you, please share your thoughts. Bye for now, Joe.