View Full Version : marijuana

01-06-2013, 05:23 PM
Could years of smoking pot eventually cause anxiety/depression?

01-06-2013, 05:36 PM
Are u trying to quit it? I don't think so....but then again I have no idea

01-06-2013, 05:40 PM
I was a stoner for 7 years and I say yes. Without a doubt it will lead to some form of disorder. Quit, it's for the best


01-06-2013, 06:12 PM
I was a stoner for 7 years and I say yes. Without a doubt it will lead to some form of disorder. Quit, it's for the best


I've been smoking weed since I was 17 I'm 36 now. I do think it has caused my anxiety/depression. As a matter of fact I got my first panic attack after smoking some potent chronic, after that attack my life has been shit compiled with anxiety/depression. I still smoke but not nearly as much as I use to. I want to quit, but I find it does help me sleep at nite. What do you guys think I should do?

01-06-2013, 06:15 PM
I use to smoke alll the time everyday and I quit then after that my friend came over years later and I said ill smoke I puffed it like I been smoking all that time and got the worst panic attack and freaked the hell out litterally lol every since then I have not touched it

01-06-2013, 06:19 PM
I think if u smoke weed then derealization shouldn't bother u lol

01-06-2013, 07:48 PM
I think if u smoke weed then derealization shouldn't bother u lol

What is derialization?

01-06-2013, 08:05 PM
Feeling liike your dreaming or detaChed from reality it comes with anxiety for some ppl

01-06-2013, 08:10 PM
I used to smoke everyday for 2 years, I think that it REALLY treated my anxiety well, I was always happy (and high) than I combined it with alcohol and BAM... developed anxiety

But on the other side my friend has been smoking longer than me and it treats him real well.

My other friend did once have an anxiety attack after 3 years of smoking but he seems to be able to continue smoking again. Weed's a funny drug....

01-06-2013, 09:31 PM
I was a stoner for 7 years and I say yes. Without a doubt it will lead to some form of disorder. Quit, it's for the best


What he said.
I smoked for 7-8 years with only a 3 month break during that time. Not only do I think it contributed to my general anxiety, smoking also led to my worst panic attack EVER, during which I was admitted to hospital with a resting heart rate of 150.

It affects all people differently, but looking at the people I know who smoke or have smoked regularly in the past, they all have some form of depression, anxiety or other mood disorder. I don't know whether people who are inclined to depression are more likely to seek respite through drugs like weed, or whether the anxiety and depression comes after smoking for an extended period of time.

I have been smoke free for almost a year now and the only thing I miss about it is that feeling of contentment that comes with being bored and doing nothing. I get restless when I have nothing to do now.

My advice to you would be to see a doctor and see what they recommend, or if you're feeling mentally stable enough to quit for a short period of time (2 weeks - a month) and see how it affects you. Quitting cold turkey can lead to some issues if you are depressed and anxious already.

Good luck with your decision!

01-07-2013, 01:33 AM
What he said.
I smoked for 7-8 years with only a 3 month break during that time. Not only do I think it contributed to my general anxiety, smoking also led to my worst panic attack EVER, during which I was admitted to hospital with a resting heart rate of 150.

It affects all people differently, but looking at the people I know who smoke or have smoked regularly in the past, they all have some form of depression, anxiety or other mood disorder. I don't know whether people who are inclined to depression are more likely to seek respite through drugs like weed, or whether the anxiety and depression comes after smoking for an extended period of time.

I have been smoke free for almost a year now and the only thing I miss about it is that feeling of contentment that comes with being bored and doing nothing. I get restless when I have nothing to do now.

My advice to you would be to see a doctor and see what they recommend, or if you're feeling mentally stable enough to quit for a short period of time (2 weeks - a month) and see how it affects you. Quitting cold turkey can lead to some issues if you are depressed and anxious already.

Good luck with your decision!

I've been high most of my adult life, and I know I need to quit. I will take baby steps tho.

01-07-2013, 12:45 PM
There seem to be many benefits to Marijuana, such as: a pain-killer, appetite simulator, and (for some) relaxation inducer.

It should be noted that everyone has a different experience with marijuana, but prolonged, chronic use of marijuana has been associated with the development of anxiety disorders in research. Once study by the National Drug & Alcohol Research Center found that teenagers who continued smoking as adults were three times more likely to develop an anxiety disorder compared to non-smoking teenagers. Its been theorized that the introduction of marijuana to a developing brain can result in a predisposition for anxiety disorders to develop.

01-07-2013, 06:19 PM
weed has always given me anxiety and i have never really enjoyed it so never got in to it. instead i prefer alcohol, but i do think weed is an addictive drug like alcohol , maybe even worse because a lot of weed smokers will smoke alone , yet alcohol is seen as a social thing

01-07-2013, 09:41 PM
This is how my anxiety started...Well I had my 1st panic attack about 2 mins after I got high and to say I flipped out is an understatement, I tried weed a hand full of times after to make sure it was causing it and sure enough it triggers it REALLY bad for some reason. I do fear it now cant mess with it nomore.

01-08-2013, 01:50 AM
Thanks for the great responses. I could do this!

01-08-2013, 04:41 AM
Thanks for the great responses. I could do this!

You TOTALLY can. I think one of the things about weed is that it is not a dependency, it's a habit. For me it was so much easier than quitting smoking cigarettes (still working on that!) and even giving up caffeine and diet coke (never going to happen!!)

My partner smokes (I wish he'd cut down) and a lot of my friends have or still do and honestly it is so easy to be around them - even when they are smoking. It just doesn't appeal to me any more. It's like as soon as I made the decision to stop, a switch flicked and I knew. It made it easier to know I would never have smoking induced anxiety attack again as well. I cut down a lot before I quit completely as I could feel my tolerance to it going down rapidly once anxiety set in. I went from smoking anyone under the table to having a couple of tiny puffs a day to cold turkey after my medication, dehydration and smoking combined like Captain Planet to give me the most crippling anxiety ever - one I'm still recovering from in a sense.

Good luck!!

05-05-2013, 05:01 PM
I'm thinking a lot of my anxiety/depression stems from my over consumption of marijuana for over 5 years. I've tried to quit before, but it always ends up making me more of a mess then when I do smoke due to withdrawls... so I continue to smoke. I also experience social anxiety issues, and smoking seems to make it that much worse. The positive effects I get from marijuana (i.e. pain relief, sleep easier, eat easier/more) make it that much harder to quit. I think I've made fabricated in my head that marijuana makes me feel better therefore I have to have it, but I often find myself realizing that I don't like to be high all the time. Nonetheless, I continue to smoke.

Anybody have any recommendations, experience, or insight on how to quit marijuana? Or any similar feelings from the drug? Cold turkey has never worked, and when I cut back on consumption it only lasts for a few days. It has come to the point where I think the first step in overcoming my debilitating anxiety is to rid myself of the things I use to self medicate, marijuana being the biggest.

05-05-2013, 05:41 PM
I see a link, I have also smoked weed for 2 years straight and did some shrooms and alcohol of course. My first panic attacks were under the influence of pot. When i quit pot which was easy since i also smoked. The panic started to come more and now 5 years later i have developed a panic disorder, hypochondriac, social disorder to some degree, depression, chronic muscle pain, joints popping and a lot more.

When my brain linked weed to panic it was the easiest thing ever. I also have visual snow and other visual defects anyone of you has this?

05-05-2013, 06:01 PM
Weed definitely sets off panic attacks but it also depends on your head space when you smoke it!! :-)

05-05-2013, 06:40 PM
It would be interesting to know if there is someone out there whom could attest to having an anxiety condition after being a pothead for many years, was able to quit, and then experienced lessened anxiety. Our if someone had a similar sequence of experiences but did not notice their anxiety get any better after quitting.

05-05-2013, 08:18 PM
If you look it up - cannabis caused many first time panic attacks in people; myself included.

05-05-2013, 08:27 PM
I can't share any insight on this one. I've never done marijuana or any other drug that wasn't prescribed by a doctor. But this sounds like it could be the cause of a lot of people's anxiety on here. Wish I could pinpoint where my anxiety came from.

05-07-2013, 08:49 AM
I'm not saying this because I like smoking but ounce you smoke some weed it helps me.... Like besides the racing heart... But you get use to it.... Then you start to realize that the racing heart is part of smoking... Then.... It slows down..... Then ehen you get use to it.... It feels good... It's relaxing.... Almost like anxiety if you haven't tried some good old DRO and get use to the symptoms... Aka munches .. Slow relaxed... Lol I guess high but not really just better more deeper happier thoughts.... And it does help.... Especially when you play video games with it...
PS: this is no way shape or form promoting illegal use of the drug known as marajuana maryjane or chronic... Only a doctor is aloud to prescribe medical canabis to someone.. And should be used accordingly ask your doctor if it could be right for you.... And also ask about the types of weed... Because there are technically 3 types if you include the hybrid.... And they all cause different highs.... There is a certain type for anxiety and should also ask witch one... I am not a expert... But you can get a list and it will tell you whether or not the type of weed us good for anxiety.... No joke.... Don't just smoke any weed thinking there all the same affect...

05-07-2013, 11:33 PM
I was smoking marijuana pot since 6 yrs, bt i hv left it back since 2 yrs i dont smoke now, my first panic attack triggered after heavy smoking when i was asleep, n from nowhere i got up and starting running with my heart beat like a racing car, thoughts were super speed head was heavy like someone has stoned, since then i left marijuana, i dont think any doc prescribes marijuana..

Best of luck

05-08-2013, 12:58 AM
Not true... My brothers doctor told him about medical can.. And he says it works for him... It was pretty weird and I didn't believe him either but then he showed me a Rx

05-08-2013, 01:26 AM
Not true... My brothers doctor told him about medical can.. And he says it works for him... It was pretty weird and I didn't believe him either but then he showed me a Rx

Drs only prescribe canabis to cancer patients!! Not sure where you got that information from?

05-08-2013, 04:21 AM
Dr's in US will prescribe it for many conditions. Don't forget many states have legalized it now. You can actually get weed for anxiety in US. A friend of mine in CA has weed for anxiety, she's a heavy user and it's not helping her at all. That's the most counterproductive prescription i've ever heard of.

Weed is dangerous. I wasted 7 years with it and it left me with anxiety. Most of my friends still smoke it. Some wish to quit. i really wish all of them would. I wouldn't wish anxiety on anyone. You may well have many years of enjoyment but when it becomes a daily routine and you smoke it all the time just relieve boredom then it's become more of a habit or hobby. If you get frustrated when you don't have it or feel lost and missing something when you're not high then you are addicted and it's difficult to come off weed. Some people argue it isn't addictive but I don't think they've ever experienced chronic use of it.

It robs life from you and you end up happy doing nothing. Lazy, lacking drive in life. yes these are all too common anti weed statements but its true.


05-08-2013, 06:12 AM
I was a marijuana smoke since 7 years and its been 1 yr i hv quit, my experience is i got panicked one night in sleep after smoking marijuana, and since then i am trapped in my fucking anxiety, its all bco of marijuana i am suffering..

05-08-2013, 06:16 AM
I think many anxiety sufferers start with a panic attack. It removes a sense of normality and safety. Not with your surroundings but within your own body. This is a huge hit on not only confidence, but emotions and rational thinking. It's all too easy to spiral downwards into an anxious state. We assume the worst, think illnesses, death around the corner etc. This stress and worry builds and builds.

Some people might continue to have panic attacks, others the worry adn fear has stressed the body so much it evolves into anxiety symptoms.


05-08-2013, 07:48 AM
I think many anxiety sufferers start with a panic attack. It removes a sense of normality and safety. Not with your surroundings but within your own body. This is a huge hit on not only confidence, but emotions and rational thinking. It's all too easy to spiral downwards into an anxious state. We assume the worst, think illnesses, death around the corner etc. This stress and worry builds and builds.

Some people might continue to have panic attacks, others the worry adn fear has stressed the body so much it evolves into anxiety symptoms.


This was my life story.

05-08-2013, 02:16 PM
Just like every other drug, including antidepressants and caffeine, weed affects people differently. You can't make blanket statements like 'it's dangerous,' and 'it gives you anxiety' about any drug. I live a very productive life, and even become more productive and creative after smoking. Weed may trigger your anxiety, but the anxiety was there long before you smoked. What works for some may not work for others. That's fine if it doesn't work for you, but try not to give out misinformation.

05-08-2013, 02:24 PM
I haven't smoked weed in ages.

All this talk about it makes me wanna give it a go again.

Thanks everyone, for the birth of another bad habit : )

05-08-2013, 02:33 PM
Everyone needs a vice, and in my opinion it's better than drinking.
I don't burn it, I vaporize. Different effects come with different temperatures. Lots of science involved.

05-08-2013, 02:41 PM
Ok I'm convinced

Heading to the hood to score some dubage.


05-08-2013, 03:30 PM
I have never smoked drugs, but have been in hospital with people trying to get over the addiction, and can tell you it definitely is not easy to get off of it, and did not look like fun. But those who managed it definitely thought it was worth the effort to get over the addiction.

05-08-2013, 06:41 PM
Well its sad to point fingers at marajuana ... Just because it doesn't help you doesn't mean it won't help some1 else... I mean Even if it caused your anxiety... It's odd that after so long of smoking it... It then caused anxiety... That being said there are a lot of productive people that I know and I'm sure others know that smoke weed and never get anxiety and are also productive members of society... Like all meds some people it works some it doesn't.... But to place the blame on one thing and living with it.... And it's not helping then maybe there's something else.... Again not trying to defend the plant that they call a "drug" just sayin...

05-08-2013, 06:48 PM
I think many anxiety sufferers start with a panic attack. It removes a sense of normality and safety. Not with your surroundings but within your own body. This is a huge hit on not only confidence, but emotions and rational thinking. It's all too easy to spiral downwards into an anxious state. We assume the worst, think illnesses, death around the corner etc. This stress and worry builds and builds.

Some people might continue to have panic attacks, others the worry adn fear has stressed the body so much it evolves into anxiety symptoms.


My anxiety indeed started with my first panic attack

05-08-2013, 11:38 PM
I truly don't believe it's misinformation. I have spoken to stoners who have used it for decades on forums where they are now trying to quit. It might take a short timne or over half your life. But people I talked to who have now quit have all said the same thing. What started as an enjoyable past time. That they felt made them more creative, or sociable etc etc wound up making them lazy, indifferent, addicted, emotionally unstable, irritable etc; just like with any addiction.

A hell of a lot of them got anxiety depression or other mental conditions after smoking weed for a long time. You could say these were already underlying conditions, but there's no real proof. I know there's a lot of pro-weed people out there. But in reality long term drug use whether legal or illegal will have an effect on the mind/body.

There's also an age old arguement that it grows in the ground and therefore isn't a drug or worthy of being condemned. Would these people say the same thing about opium given how destructive a drug it is? You could split hairs but I think it invalidates the arguement entirely.

Rule of thumb, if you already have anxiety don't risk sabotaging your health and wellbeing any further by dabbling with weed.


05-09-2013, 02:19 AM
While I do agree with you about opium and how bad it is One thing is also for sure is it not drugs that some take to help with anxiety now that over time can effect one persons ability to function ... Now I am not saying don't take the Paxil ... By all means if it works for you take it.... But does it not say in the possibilities that it can increase the thoughts of suicide .. And other anxiety like problems... But it's okay because thoughts side effects are "rare"... In any case... It doesn't hurt to give it a trial.... Because Paxil could help.... Same goes for weed... And as for the addiction part.... It is not addictive at all... Just like ssri's and any other med that seems to help you just need to slowly wean yourself off it.... It's not going to make you want to smoke it after a test run and I'm sure you'll know weather or not it work for you after the first time..... Am I saying smoke a whole joint .... No..... Please don't.... Maybe even half a puff... It might help lol but the first time is always the weirdest because you don't know what to expect... I'm not trying to make a debate on whether or not people should smoke weed for anxiety.... I'm just saying.... For some people and I happen to enjoy it on occasion ... It might help.... It's not for everyone but it might be for a few...

05-09-2013, 03:26 AM
I think the problem is that weed creates feelings different to how you normally feel. This feeling of new appreciation for music, food, feeling creative, relaxed and calm. THAT can become addictive. You crave that euphoric and restful state more and more.

I too wa svery creative when I started somking it. I started art again and drew countless drawings. After quitting weed I stopped drawing and thought i'd lost my muse. In reality I hadn't as I started up drawing again whilst sober and realized that whilst weed can have some rather wonderful effects on you when it's not being misued daily, I didn't need to be high to be able to draw and be creative.

I know many people where I live who still smoke it everyday. Unfortunately I knew how they were before smoking weed and the difference is huge. When it's taken every single day they become more distant from relaity and their responsabilities. They seem emotionally indifferent a lot of the time...except when they don't have weed and then they become frustrated, snappy and not very nice company.

I know a lot of people argue that weed isn't addictive. However insomnia, sweating, irritability etc when quitting heavy weed use would proove the opposite in my opinion. But each to their own.


05-09-2013, 08:16 PM
I am going to agree wholeheartedly with raggamuffin here... I used to love to smoke weed, so much when I was younger. I quit though due to family and religious reasons (that was 8 years ago). Towards the end of last year the reasons I quit smoking originally became a non issue and I picked back up smoking again every day. It wasn't the same at all, , not sure why, , but it's almost like when I smoked it got me too high even though I was only smoking small amounts. LONG STORY SHORT, I started getting anxiety while smoking and anxiety attacks. I should have quit right away, , but I thought that the anxiety would pass and that it would get better, , it didn't. At the beginning of February I got a respiratory infection (bronchitis) and got severe anxiety like I have never experienced before and I have been sick since February, going through the worst time in my life and I do blame it on the use of marijuana, , so like raggamuffin said, it may be enjoyable and great, , but it is NOT WORTH IT!! anyway, that is my rant, , I have been pro marijuana most of my life, but after getting the anxiety I got from it and the turns my life has taken over the past 3 months, it's just not worth the risk personally.

05-10-2013, 12:30 AM
Not really i hv many frnds till date smoking, what my experience with weed is, when i use to smoke i would calm down and my heart kept beating fast, that whats kept me high, if i miss a morning pot i would get frustrated and after taking a smoke would again calm down, weed is addictive, US has legalize weed, depends upon d countries rules, might be they prescribe but in india mumbai its illegal. I use to smoke for fun and got addicted its not good for health..
No one is misinforming over here, this is a forum, members over here are not giving prescription, we are here to share our feelings which we are been thru.. Marijuana is a BIG NO...

05-10-2013, 01:42 PM
Weed is not addictive ... It's people's personalities that are addictive

05-13-2013, 04:20 AM
I watched a mate loose the plot on this shit. Mind you he was smoking heaps to avoid his problems .

You know anything that changes the way you feel is addictive . From drinking , drugs , exercise . Even people that cut are addicted to it. Much of OCD is additive behavior.

Addiction is a funny word , its like anxiety in that it has so many different meanings .

Over all i believe that there is nothing that is long term addictive if the right help is there to let someone move away from it. As you said people's personalities play a huge part.

For sure people personalities play a huge part in addiction, example ... people on anti depressant meds are addicted, if they dont take the dosage on time or juz leave it they get anxiety back, everything needs a time to set off, like wise weed is addictive but u cant cut down instantly, slowly it needa to be cut down, i was a heavy smoker guys, i just smoked for fun and in no time i asked myself its been 8 yrs and i was literalky carving for that shit, when i gave up weed.. anxiety mood swings and depression came in, i hv everything by gods grace, but there is one things common in us our brain is sick which maked each nerves in our body sick..
Weed is addictive even though with different personalities..