View Full Version : Scared to take Xanax

01-06-2013, 03:42 PM
I just went to the doctor today after more then usual anxiety attacks that have been affecting my day to day life. I made sure they did a EKG on me checked my vitals EVERYTHING because as most of you know in the moment it DOES feel like its something more serious. So basically nothing is wrong with me and the doctor prescribed Xanax .25 mg... he said i can take it at night a few hrs before bed and it would work through my work and told me i can take my ANXICLEAR i ordered online as well during the day... He said he hdoesnt have any experience in it but did do research durting our visit and deemed it safe and quit possibly helpful. I have a problem birnging myself to take the ANXICLEAR... scared of it... and EVEN more scared of the XANAX. I dont want to become dependent.... suicidal????......or have any crazy side effects. Im stuck because getting my normal life back could be just one pill away AND I JUST CANT BRING MYSELF TO TAKE IT:(

01-07-2013, 03:43 PM
Hi .. Try taking jst 1/2 the pill. Thats a very small dose. Only take it when needed. Not all the time. U will be ok!!!

01-07-2013, 03:56 PM
Is .25 a lot???

01-07-2013, 04:08 PM
I take .25 Xanax as needed. At first I too was afraid but then realized it was a huge help in calming me down when I needed it.

01-08-2013, 08:49 AM
.25 Xanax is a very very low dose. I take it about 3 hours before bed and it really helps me at night since that is when my anxiety tends to get bad. To be honest, I am not even sure it's enough to be considered "addicted" to... But it is enough to stop the anxiety and let u sleep without a racing mind. As for the Anxiclear... I have never heard of that. I have been dealing with anxiety issues for the last 8 years.

01-08-2013, 04:33 PM
Take and chilllll man.... its allllll goooood 8)

You won't regret it.

01-08-2013, 06:23 PM
.25mg is a low dose. I understand the reluctance with respect to potential dependence so try the anxiclear first and then the xanax.
Just respect these meds(benzos) and use as little as need only when needed and you should be fine. I will admit there are other benzos with a bit less potential for dependence. Serax(oxazepam), librium and clorazepate would be the safer ones but none are truly safe from dependence if you misuse or take too much, too often and/or never learn other skills/knowledge on anxiety(relaxation, counseling, CBT, etc). So ask about those if you decide to pass on the xanax and still need something. Alankay

01-09-2013, 12:49 PM
I will thank you so much! I've taken it 3 times now and it still freaks me out hut once it kicks in I'm ok. I don't wan to NEED this in order to function though... What the heck!

01-09-2013, 02:44 PM
I've been prescribed 2mg of diazepam. I was going to take some tonight to see if it stayed in my system & helped me tomorrow, but I've not taken it yet. I know I should just take it, but thinking about feeling drowsy makes me a bit weary.

maggie tia
01-09-2013, 04:17 PM
I've been prescribed 2mg of diazepam. I was going to take some tonight to see if it stayed in my system & helped me tomorrow, but I've not taken it yet. I know I should just take it, but thinking about feeling drowsy makes me a bit weary.

2 mg will not make u drowsy it will merely just calm ur nerves

01-09-2013, 06:41 PM
Agreed. 2 mg should not leave you drowsy. Alankay

01-09-2013, 08:55 PM
I've been prescribed 2mg of diazepam. I was going to take some tonight to see if it stayed in my system & helped me tomorrow, but I've not taken it yet. I know I should just take it, but thinking about feeling drowsy makes me a bit weary.

Did u take it did it work?

01-09-2013, 11:32 PM
Vakim, you will be okay about taking it after a few times. .25 is nothing compare to what some people are on. I am on the .25 once a day tho I really need it twice a day. It makes me sleepy and I work a desk job so the combination isn't good because I have snoozed at my desk before lol. But don't let that low of a dose scare you. I am Leary of meds too, so I do know how u feel taking a new one.