View Full Version : Will it ever stop?

01-06-2013, 02:44 PM
So I don't know I this is possible, but I'm pretty sure my birth control pill is causing my sudden anxiety. I've never felt this way until I went on it, the crying spells and becoming overly emotional. However, the past three weeks it's been terrible. The heart palpitations keep continuing as well as frightening thoughts that I'll never feel better or that someday this is going to make me so depressed I'll become hopeless. I'm really scared and practically sobbing as I write this. Has anyone ever been in a similar situation? Or does this sound more serious than a hormonal issue? Thanks hope you can help.

01-06-2013, 02:59 PM
It could be the birth control pills giving you some side effects, and if you already have anxiety/depression a change in your hormones would trigger your anxiety/depression.

01-06-2013, 03:24 PM
Thanks for the reassurance, I was hoping it would more or less be hormones. I've always been a worried person, but never to the point I'd get physical symptoms or become panicked. It mostly centers around worrying about being worried (if that makes any sense). And I did go to the on/gyn rather than a general practitioner.

I believe my hormones play a big role in my skipped heart beats. I had them before I got on the hormone patch. I did not take birth control pills or anything before. I was hoping when I got on the patch it would stop my skipping heart beats but it did not. I don't know what to do. I am at a loss:(

01-06-2013, 03:38 PM
Thanks for the reassurance, I was hoping it would more or less be hormones. I've always been a worried person, but never to the point I'd get physical symptoms or become panicked. It mostly centers around worrying about being worried (if that makes any sense). And I did go to the on/gyn rather than a general practitioner.

It makes complete sense "worrying about being worried" it may not make sense to someone that doesn't suffer from GAD, but to us or at lease me it makes sense cause I feel what you mean. I've always been a worried person too, I feel I have to look after all my friends and loved ones. I worry if they need me for an emergency that I wouldn't be able to make it to them on time to help.