View Full Version : Do I Have Anxiety Disorder??????

05-16-2007, 06:21 PM

I just joined this forum today as Im getting concerned about my growing anxiety that has been getting worse over the years. Im 21 now, do lead a normal life at University etc. but have major anxiety that I hide pretty well. A few examples would be that going into town walking around, going shopping, going to the Library are all MAJORLY stressful events for me. Even when im walking down the street I HATE it when people look at me, makes me feel sooo self-conscious. Any situation where there are lots of people make me feel very very on edge - often shaky and feel dizzy. Fear going to Library in case I bump into someone I know and have to make conversation - fear I will embaress myself and they will think im weird. Having to speak in seminars is also something that freaks me out, heart starts racing, get very on edge again, all i want to do is run out the room. Any opinions greatly appreciated, rach

06-02-2007, 07:38 PM
hello rach, even though my experience is different to yours i will reply because loads of these peopple dont bother. do not worry, the thing with anxiety that i have found is that it metamorphasises into different things. its so hard to deal with. its difficult but you have got to remember these situations CANNOT hurt you. the more you have anxiety through the day and everyday life the more you give it significance, thus attaching it to more and more situations until it gets out of control! you have got to remember its harmless and you WILL beat it.