View Full Version : Knowing what it really is.

01-06-2013, 12:12 AM
Do you have worries when you have an anxiety attack that its something else and how do you handle yourself in the mist of a "episode" ? Especially when your HR is soaring which is the worst part.

01-06-2013, 01:33 AM
I am constantly thinking its something else. My uncle taught me how to "muscle test" myself. I will see if I can find instructions on google and post it here. Lately the only thing that will calm me down is for me to muscle test myself and ask questions to rule out other possibilities. Then I breathe. I know it's hard. Today I had the start of one while getting ready for work...I said to myself ok you have had these same symptoms for over ten years...nothing has ever happened and nothing is going to happen today. It eased for a little bit...then I started worrying the same feeling would come back. When do you feel you have the hardest time calming down? At work? When you're alone?