View Full Version : Emetophobia

01-05-2013, 07:20 PM
Does anyone else suffer with emetophobia? I only started to realize I have this recently... I am a nurse in a nursing home and recently the Norwalk virus has been spreading through there like wild fire... This makes it very difficult for me to go to work, and when I do I am a nervous wreck for about 2 days after.
I have been suffering with anxiety for about 9 years... But it was only 3 years ago when a stomach virus was going through my workplace that I got really bad and needed to seek help from medication. I started taking Celexa. My Dr told me I wouldn't have to take it forever, so this past spring him and I decided it was a good time to stop taking it... I was doing well, really well. Then about 3 weeks ago the Norwalk virus hit... And I became a nervous wreck. This is when I realized, part of my anxiety is a fear of getting sick... And when I get nervous I get an upset stomach, which turns into a vicious cycle.
So now I'm thinking its time to start taking the celexa again. And possibly making a change in profession...
I was just wondering if there are others out there with a similar problem...

01-06-2013, 04:01 AM
Hi, I think I might have this problem too. Sometimes when I hear about virus's and bugs going around I often begin to think that I've them myself and I end up making myself ill when I don't in fact have anything wrong with me. I tend to avoid foods that have made me sick in the past as I often feel a bit off when I do eat them. Looking around various forums has helped as I now know a lot of people have got this problem so I don't feel like something's only wrong with me :)

01-06-2013, 05:03 PM
Yes i get the same thing! My Dr has put me on citalopram and took my first pill 6hours ago and now feel like i need to be sick