View Full Version : Head Pressure

01-05-2013, 03:01 PM
Hello, I'm new to this forum but not really new to anxiety/anxiety related issues.

I've been suffering from anxiety ever since I was a kid, parents got divorced and apparently that was too much for me to handle, I ended up developing tons of problems including depersonalization in the last few years, which I am overcoming pretty well (I'm 22 years old) , ever since I got DP which was 3 years ago or so I developed this weird symptom which can be described as feeling as if I have a tight band around my head, it's extremely awkward and uncomfortable, I don't really feel that anxious anymore since I've changed my lifestyle completely and yet this symptom continues to disturb me, the only thing that puts a temporary end to it is benzos, and I quit medication so I can't really be messing around with benzos anymore, I find it easier to deal with if I wear a scarf or something of a sort around my head but that doesn't really work when I have to be outside, does anyone have the same issue? If so, how do you deal with it on a daily basis?

01-05-2013, 05:58 PM
Bump :) ..........

01-05-2013, 06:04 PM
Hi & welcome! I get what feels like sinus pressure in my head. Do you feel dizzy or get a fuzzy/foggy feeling along with the pressure?

01-05-2013, 06:08 PM
Thanks :)

I totally forgot to mention that I do have allergies and sinusitis, I've been told it can be related to that, the only "funny" part here is that if I take benzos, the pressure goes away, while if I take meds for my allergies/sinusitis it doesn't.

I do feel dizzy and get the fuzzy/foggy feeling once in a while, but it's not constant while the pressure is.

01-05-2013, 06:42 PM
Yeah it could be the anxiety or it could be allergies. I think mine is a little of both. It is very annoying to say the least.

01-05-2013, 06:43 PM
Yep sounds like both could have an effect on that... oh well :)

01-05-2013, 06:44 PM
Hello, I'm new to this forum but not really new to anxiety/anxiety related issues.

I've been suffering from anxiety ever since I was a kid, parents got divorced and apparently that was too much for me to handle, I ended up developing tons of problems including depersonalization in the last few years, which I am overcoming pretty well (I'm 22 years old) , ever since I got DP which was 3 years ago or so I developed this weird symptom which can be described as feeling as if I have a tight band around my head, it's extremely awkward and uncomfortable, I don't really feel that anxious anymore since I've changed my lifestyle completely and yet this symptom continues to disturb me, the only thing that puts a temporary end to it is benzos, and I quit medication so I can't really be messing around with benzos anymore, I find it easier to deal with if I wear a scarf or something of a sort around my head but that doesn't really work when I have to be outside, does anyone have the same issue? If so, how do you deal with it on a daily basis?

I don't have sinusitis or anything like that but I do have social anxiety OCD and depression. I get a huge pressure in my head the makes me feel like its goingl to explode. It does feel like a head band. I also get it behind my eyes, in my jaw, forehead, neck, shoulders, temples, and upper head. For me this problem is based solely on anxiety and it is very painful. It could be different for you, but even though you think your not anxious you still could be. For example, the scarf could just be easing your anxieties like what people do with OCD when they repeat something, it momentarily eases everything. Wearing a scarf medically would not do anything to help a physical ailment and therefore i think that your tightness is from stress or anxiety.

I deal with this problem by finding a quiet place and focusing on my breathing or massaging me temples. It's helps relax your muscles. You could also lay down in a dark room, like u would for a migraine, if its rly painful.

01-05-2013, 07:23 PM
I don't have sinusitis or anything like that but I do have social anxiety OCD and depression. I get a huge pressure in my head the makes me feel like its goingl to explode. It does feel like a head band. I also get it behind my eyes, in my jaw, forehead, neck, shoulders, temples, and upper head. For me this problem is based solely on anxiety and it is very painful. It could be different for you, but even though you think your not anxious you still could be. For example, the scarf could just be easing your anxieties like what people do with OCD when they repeat something, it momentarily eases everything. Wearing a scarf medically would not do anything to help a physical ailment and therefore i think that your tightness is from stress or anxiety.

I deal with this problem by finding a quiet place and focusing on my breathing or massaging me temples. It's helps relax your muscles. You could also lay down in a dark room, like u would for a migraine, if its rly painful.

Yep I also notice that my neck/shoulders are always tense, even when I don't really feel anxious it seems like I am, people don't see me as awkward or anything but they do notice that I carry some anxiety with me, they ask me if I'm anxious about something and it doesn't make much sense to me since I don't feel that anxious... it could also be the weather, the cold affects me a lot, I also feel a bit down and depressed in winter, not to mention I had a hernia repair surgery recently and I'm not able to leave the house that much, not much movement, hence the depression.

I've tried soft meditation and I can't even meditate, I can't keep my eyes closed and focus because of anxiety can you believe it?

01-06-2013, 08:37 AM
I get head pressure all the time so annoying and painful

01-06-2013, 09:46 AM
I get head pressure all the time so annoying and painful
It sure is, I've been overcoming so many fears and stuff I used to struggle with, this is basically the only thing that still annoys me!