View Full Version : New here.

01-05-2013, 11:21 AM
Hi, I am new here. I am a 34 year old mother of 4. My name is alli . I have been suffering from anxiety/panic since October, which I know isn't long but it's been the worst hell ever. I am not sure how it all triggered but it started in a movie theater and I had to leave the movie do to a major panic attack. I thought I was dieing. After that I have had panic attacks and they have gotten worse and worse. I got to the point where I swear I was dieing and I would not dare go anywhere with out someone and would freak out if I had to be alone. I finally went to the doctor and of course he threw me on fluoxetine. I had horrible panic attacks on it at night which ended me in the ER after the third night of uncontrollable panic. Went back to doctor and he took me of that and put me on citalopram. It took me three weeks before I couldn't take my panic attacks to dare to take it. I started on Sunday and have been feeling weird on it.. Thought I was finally feeling good on it yesterday when last night started a whole new panic... I felt like my chest was on fire. And couldn't breath good. Is that normal?? Of course any pain I get in my body sends me into a panic. I am happy to find this website and see that I am not alone.

01-05-2013, 11:24 AM
Personally, I don't think one should take meds for this. Perhaps maybe a therapist or someone to talk to.

01-05-2013, 01:12 PM
I am on meds for it and I still have panic and anxiety but not at the level I did before. I did the therapist and the whole 9 yards and wanted to go the natural route so went of the meds a few times. The way I see it, we all have to do what is best for us. If meds aren't helping, try a different one or a different way of dealing with it but if meds are helping then that is maybe what is best. I felt weak having to take the meds but if my choices are somewhat controlled or a living nightmare then meds it is.

01-05-2013, 04:22 PM
Alli, I think to break the cycle of anxiety meds should be used. If the AD had that effect and you couldn't stay on it, ask for a course of a benzo for a few days or a week. Get back on another ssri like zoloft and see if you can get some psychotherapy to ID and work on the cause of all the anxiety. PM me any time. Alankay