View Full Version : Coffee can u drink it?

01-05-2013, 07:10 AM
I'm finding coffee is making my anxiety really bad but I love it!
Just wondering if anyone finds it make it worse & would u say to avoid it or limit it?
I had 2 coffee today & feel slightly hyper but shaky too x

01-05-2013, 07:22 AM
The decision to drink it or not is up to you, however most of us find that it does make things worse and we avoid it.

This is one of those changes that happen with an anxiety disorder, your nerves are in edge, so any stimulant will send you right over. I used to drink energy drinks several times a day, but now I can't really drink a glass of tea without getting the shakes, much less coffee.

01-05-2013, 07:32 AM
I drink instant coffee which has allot less caffeine or decaf. Alankay

01-05-2013, 08:12 AM
No.. It's disgusting :P

01-05-2013, 08:18 AM
I keep away from caffeine formulated breve rages all together... Especially coffee... I know from personal experience and medical research that those whom suffer from anxiety and consume caffeine is more prone to higher rates of anxiety...

01-05-2013, 08:38 AM
Decaf it'll have to be then! Thanks x

01-05-2013, 09:02 AM
As soon as I told my therapist how much caffeine I was drinking she said to cut back till I'm drinking almost none.

01-05-2013, 09:49 AM
I'm finding coffee is making my anxiety really bad but I love it!
Just wondering if anyone finds it make it worse & would u say to avoid it or limit it?
I had 2 coffee today & feel slightly hyper but shaky too x

I drink a cup every morning and as long as I stick to just one cup I'm ok. Anymore and it sets me off into anxious land.

01-05-2013, 04:38 PM
Decaf it is. Caffeine makes me feel horrible. I LOVE coffee too so I buy really good ground decaf and use a drip pot to make it. It's wonderful. If you stop caffeine don't worry if you have headaches for a couple of days. That's normal and if you need to you can kill the headache with a few sips of caffienated coffee.

01-05-2013, 06:15 PM
I had to cut caffine right out it sends me over the edge , but I still drink coffee & tea I just have decaf . Personally I can't tell the different xx

01-05-2013, 07:19 PM
I have cut out caffeine in the past, but I love my coffee way too much to give it up completely.

I have managed to limit my intake to one proper coffee a day - when I first wake up, with a can of diet coke to give me a boost in the early afternoon.

I find that this is a good balance for me, if I have any more or drink coffee late in the day I find it difficult to get to sleep and I do get some anxiety symptoms.

01-05-2013, 07:22 PM
I had cut out caffeine when my anxiety was at its worse... But now I will have the occasional tea (sometimes coffee, but rarely). Too much caffeine is terrible for my anxiety...

01-05-2013, 08:42 PM
I eventually started having panic attacks to smoking weed.
Then to smoking tobacco...
I haven't tried caffeine in half a year, but I feel that if I can't even handle a cigarette than coffee wouldn't be a wise choice either.

01-06-2013, 01:35 AM
I'm finding coffee is making my anxiety really bad but I love it!
Just wondering if anyone finds it make it worse & would u say to avoid it or limit it?
I had 2 coffee today & feel slightly hyper but shaky too x

Caffeine, or cutting it is not the cure for anxiety disorder, but it can help a little.

Generally, sufferers have a very sensitive & highly active nervous system & energy / adrenalin only makes it worse... so best to reduce all energy sources to a minimum.

01-06-2013, 12:50 PM
I recommend cutting out the coffee all together as a test; you may need to do this slowly to avoid withdrawals (headaches, crankiness, etc.). Then you'll have a baseline to examine your body's anxiety response to caffeine. Once you've been caffeine-free for 6 weeks, log your sleep and anxiety patterns. Then, you may choose to slowly introduce caffeine to your diet and continue to log your sleep and anxiety patterns. Then, you'll be able to make a well-informed decision about your caffeine intake; you'll be able to weigh the pros and cons. You may decide to have hot tea instead (about 1/2 the caffeine) or a smaller serving or weaker brew of coffee.

01-06-2013, 02:15 PM
Of course you can drink coffee. It's just if you drink it with a notion such as "what if I get anxiety" where you may run into issues. Then what's going to happen? You're filling your mind with possibilities of danger. You're scaring yourself with fear and worry. The hyper-sensitivity in your anxious, paranoid state of mind is on red alert for possible symptoms. You drink the coffee. Maybe you get a headache or a bit of chest pain. Then, if panic takes over and you worry about the pain you might go into a full blown panic attack.

Now then, was this coffees fault? Nope, because if it was a proven effect of coffee to give everyone panic attacks I don't think it'd be as popular as it is.

Why the pains and symptoms? Because you're letting a body, already exhausted from stress and worry (that is kicking out these symptoms to simply say it's had enough and needs to rest) creates a pain or ache or other symptom. You then worry and panic about it. Which is the last thing your body needs right now. It's simply showing you how exhausted it is and needs rest. But instead of doing that you add more worry on top of the worry that's left your body feeling this way.

The vicious cycle continues.

Remove fear from situations, or coffee etc and you remove most of the issues around your anxiety. Won't be an overnight cure but if you don't start panicking every time you get an ache or symptom then you are continuing to give your body the much needed rest it can to get better.


01-06-2013, 11:57 PM
I'm finding coffee is making my anxiety really bad

A stimulant that makes anxiety bad I think is self explanatory, isn't it?

Don't drink coffee while you have anxiety.

Look everyone, anxiety is not a life long illness. Do what you can to get over it, like I did. Cut out caffeine, alcohol, cigarettes, start eating healthy, doing yoga, etc. You drink coffee then wonder why you feel anxious?

Does anyone here actually want to heal or just accept they are anxious and then pop a pill then go back to work as if everything is ok?

Are most of your ideas of healing coming on this site and finding a pity party and someone to complain with, then once you calm down go about your day avoiding the things that cause your anxiety, and just say, "Oh I don't do that." You don't have a disability. Your anxious, now go do the steps to get unanxious.