View Full Version : Headband feeling above ear and through temple.

01-04-2013, 09:00 PM
Has anyone else experienced feeling like a headband is above their right ear through the temple? I'm terrified that its a Brain tumor! :/

01-04-2013, 09:59 PM
I've had the same feeling... So no you're not alone. And my head sometimes gets a tingly feeling... especially just behind the ears and up around my temples. I too had myself convinced I had a brain tumor. I just keep reminding myself it's anxiety and not worry and I think after a couple weeks it went away. I still get the sensations if I'm nervous or anxious about something. Just remind yourself it's anxiety and it will go away... The more you worry about it the more you will notice it's there (at least that's the case with me.) Just try to relax and know that it will get better :)

01-04-2013, 10:11 PM
Thank you. I try not to worry. I've thought of everything possible it could be from brain tumor to brain aneurysm. I scare myself to death. Pristiq and Zoloft both really helped me but I put on A LOT of weight with both of them so I'm trying to go without anything. I would love to be able to live normal without worrying about something all the time. I'm glad I have people like this on this forum to help put my mind to ease.

01-05-2013, 03:37 PM
yuh, got it before. I started to take Viibryrd and it went away after 10 or so days. Unfortunately when I finally got to max dosage that pill my heart was racing 130+bpm for 3 hours straight, accompanied by suici/homocidal thoughts. So it was DEFINITELY the wrong medicine for me. After I'm back on my pills that make me stable I might experiment and go 10mg instead of the full 40mg that made my body go haywire.

01-05-2013, 04:25 PM
Hi. Let me help you with this. I'm an RN and a fellow traveller with depression/anxiety/panic, the works. Nothing you feel with that headband feeling can possibly have anything to do with anything in your brain. It's on the surface, not inside your skull so it's likely caused by muscle tension which those of us with anxiety get a LOT. So, really really it's not anything to be afraid of.

01-05-2013, 05:46 PM
Thank you guys! It's annoying and worries me because I'm not on meds. It doesn't usually happen in the mornings but usually later in my day so the muscle tension makes since. It's seriously feels like I have something on my head but once again thank you. I let the worrying consume me! Ugh

01-09-2013, 08:50 PM
This feeling still has not gone away. I seriously feel like there's a tumor growing above my ear! :/

01-09-2013, 11:08 PM
Paige, never assume there is a problem unless its still causing problems after 7-10 days. Anxiety manifests itself in so many ways, yet we assume the very worst.

Hang in there, you'll be fine.


01-10-2013, 12:02 AM
It has been more than 7-10 days!

01-10-2013, 12:07 AM
Can you elaborate on the feeling you get, please? Sorry I'm just trying to get an understanding of it before I make my comment.

01-10-2013, 12:27 AM
It feels like I have a headband above my ear. Like the first time I felt it I thought something was above my ear. I recently got off Zoloft and I had some withdrawals from that but it's been about 3 months ago. I've noticed lately that I'm becoming the old hypochondriac me but I can't help but talk about it and say what I feel. The feeling is right behind my ear and just feels like something is there. I've been worried about it for like 10 days.

01-10-2013, 12:34 AM
It feels like I have a headband above my ear. Like the first time I felt it I thought something was above my ear. I recently got off Zoloft and I had some withdrawals from that but it's been about 3 months ago. I've noticed lately that I'm becoming the old hypochondriac me but I can't help but talk about it and say what I feel. The feeling is right behind my ear and just feels like something is there. I've been worried about it for like 10 days.

Does it have any kind of tingle feeling to it at all? Also think and be honest with yourself when I ask this. When you are doing something do you sit down and then feel it and realise it's there again? Or does it just bug you no matter what.

01-10-2013, 12:37 AM
Sounds like tension headaches. They are described as a band feeling on the head. I get those too.

01-10-2013, 12:38 AM
No not really a tingle at all. It usually just bugs me. What do u think it could be? I have always been horrified of a brain tumor.

01-10-2013, 12:40 AM
I know it's bad to look up symptoms in google but google tension headache and see I that describes it.

01-10-2013, 12:43 AM
I have heard on so many anxiety sites the headband feeling mentioned specifically, but also tension headaches as stated have been described to have this feeling. I personally doubt it is a brain tumor. If you ask anyone or survivors of having tumors (I have seen this said many times) they will say they never even really had symptoms. I know you hate hearing this, because I am the same way, but the fact that you have been horrified of it will make you focus on it. Try to just say you know what worrying about this isn't changing anything so I'm just going to be happy and get occupied. If it keeps persisting, go to the doctor and I'm sure you will be relieved to hear they doubt a brain tumor is what it is.

01-10-2013, 12:47 AM
For example, when I was 2 I had already had two hernia surgeries. My whole life I've been worried about having a weak spot and them coming back, and went to the doctor many times to be told that I was perfectly fine. Last night I was doing a little exercise and felt something weird around the area I had the surgery 17 years ago, but still I freaked and ever since last night I've been on edge and feeling every movement in my stomach in that area. I feel gas moving, normal muscle twitches, anything that happens I feel it. Pain in the stomach and I assume it has to be that. It will consume you if you let it.

01-10-2013, 05:06 AM
There is a big difference between pain and a sensation. If you feel pain, go see a doctor just to ease your mind. If it is a sensation, then it is likely anxiety. Anxiety can even cause tension headache.

01-10-2013, 09:04 PM
It's definitely more of a sensation. I knew something would happen like this after I was off medicine. I did this all the time before medicine and I worried all the time.

01-10-2013, 10:13 PM
How recent did you get it? I got mine and it lasted for 3 weeks until one night after running I had a major adrenaline rush, then it dissipated for the most part.

I still had it, but after 3 months it has mostly gone away, give it lots of time.

01-10-2013, 10:58 PM
I think it's been a couple of weeks. Where was urs located? I keep thinking its a blood clot or tumor :(

01-14-2013, 12:49 PM
Has anyone else ever experienced this feeling?